Ease Your Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy

Woman draws a smiley face on her belly to symbolise a heathy pregnancy free from migraines.

For an expecting mum, experiencing any physical pain in pregnancy can be challenging and scary. But don’t worry too much as this is totally normal and it’s natural to be concerned!

As your pregnancy progresses your pain might gradually come and go, which is why we think it’s important that pregnant mums to be should be armed with some simple, natural tips for managing your pelvic pain in pregnancy.

From maintaining exercise levels to practicing relaxation in the bathtub, these tips might just help soothe your discomfort and let you focus on the excitement of bringing a little one into the world!

#1 Regular Low-Impact Exercise

Low-impact exercise is a great way for pregnant mums to stay active and reduce pelvic pain in pregnancy.

Two examples of low-impact exercises that are perfect for expectant mothers are swimming and prenatal yoga.

Swimming allows pregnant women to stretch and strengthen their muscles while also taking the weight off their joints, making it easier to move around without any added discomfort.

Prenatal yoga, on the other hand, focuses on gentle stretches and breathing techniques that help reduce pelvic pain, improve flexibility, stability, and posture.

Overall, regular low-impact exercise during pregnancy can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the pelvis and reduce the amount of pressure on the pelvic floor, which can help prevent or alleviate pelvic pain in pregnancy.

And on the plus side, if you’re out of pain and feeling refreshed, you have more time to cherish your pregnancy before your little one makes their grand entrance to the world!

#2 Strengthen Your Core Muscles

We cannot stress enough how crucial it is for women to maintain strong core muscles during pregnancy, especially if they’re experiencing pelvic pain!

Strengthening your core improves your body’s posture, stability, and balance, which can alleviate pelvic discomfort. Exercise also helps boost your mood, and when you feel good, it can make a significant difference in your pregnancy experience.

Two safe and effective core exercises for pregnant women with pelvic pain are Kegels and bird-dog.

Kegels are great for strengthening the pelvic floor, and you can easily do them anywhere, anytime.

Bird-dog helps to build your core muscles and enhance your stability, starting on your hands and knees, and maintaining a stable spine position while alternating your arms and legs.

#3 Avoid Sitting For A Long Time

As a soon-to-be mum, it’s important to take care of yourself and your growing baby. One thing you may not have considered is the negative effects of sitting for extended periods of time, especially if you’re experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy.

This discomfort is likely due to your changing body and the added weight in your abdominal area, which can put pressure on your pelvis.

By sitting for too long, you may exacerbate this pain and even cause other issues like stiffness and poor circulation.

To combat these problems, it’s recommended to take regular breaks and move around throughout the day. Gentle stretches and exercises can also help relieve tension and decrease discomfort.

With a little effort and mindfulness, you can keep yourself comfortable and healthy during this exciting time.

#4 Take A Relaxing Bath

It is important to highlight the therapeutic benefits of a warm bath for pregnant mums who are experiencing pelvic pain during pregnancy.

While it may seem counterintuitive to immerse oneself in the water while experiencing discomfort in the pelvic region, the warmth of the water can actually provide significant relief to many pregnant women in this situation.

By submerging in a warm bath, the buoyancy of the water helps to support the body, reducing the pressure on the pelvis and easing pain.

Additionally, the warm temperature of the water helps to relax muscles and loosen tension, making it easier for mums-to-be to find a sense of calm and comfort amidst the discomfort.

For those experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy, a relaxing warm bath can be a simple and effective way to find relief from discomfort and reconnect with the calm of their bodies.

#5 Wear Comfortable Clothing

Wearing comfortable clothes can significantly prevent and alleviate the discomfort caused by pelvic pain. The extra weight and pressure from the growing baby can cause strains on the muscles and ligaments supporting the pelvic region.

Tight and restrictive clothing can exacerbate these pains and discomforts. Opting for loose-fitting clothing, such as maternity pants and dresses, can help reduce unnecessary pressure on the pelvic region, allowing the muscles to relax and alleviate the pain.

When it comes to pregnancy, comfort is key, and moms-to-be should prioritize their comfort in order to have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

Are You Concerned About Your Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy?

Here at Focus Osteopathy, we know how daunting it can be for new mums if they experience pelvic pain and it can often be a worry. But we don’t want you to stress!

Instead, we’re here to help you with any concerns you have about your pelvic health and to listen to your worries and put them at ease.

This month, we’re offering you the chance to take the first step to a pelvic pain-free pregnancy with a free mom-ready assessment. During your free mom-ready assessment, you will be able to speak to one of our resident osteopaths who have years of experience behind them and find out the actual cause of your pelvic pain and work with you to find the best solution.

If this sounds like the answer to the pain that you’ve been searching for, arrange your free mom-ready assessment by filling in our simple web form or call our Mount Waverley or Murrumbeena clinic at 1300 003 007 and a member of the team will be happy to help!

Other Free Resources For Pregnancy 

Why not download our free pregnancy-related pain report to get 7 ways to journey through pregnancy including support to empower yourself and your little one to prepare for labour and recover well after birth?

Download Your Copy Of Our FREE  Pregnancy-Related Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – What Pelvic Floor Exercises Should I Actually Be Doing?

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