Should You Worry About Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

During the unique journey of pregnancy, many expectant mothers encounter various physical changes and discomforts — one such discomfort being pelvic pain.

It’s understandable that any occurrence of pain can cause worry and anxiety, especially when you’re carrying a little one.

But, here’s some comforting news: More often than not, pelvic pain during pregnancy is quite normal.

Many mothers-to-be experience this and it’s usually nothing to fret about. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on this common concern, its causes, and how to conquer pelvic pain during pregnancy. So, sit back and let’s ease those worries together!

How Common Is Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is actually quite commonplace, affecting a significant number of expectant mothers.

It’s one of those common discomforts that pregnancy brings along. We understand that experiencing it can be distressing and might lead you to think something is wrong.

But the reality is, in most cases, it’s a standard part of the pregnancy process, similar to morning sickness or fatigue. Just as each pregnancy is unique, so too is the experience of pelvic pain – some may feel it more intensely or frequently, while others might experience it only occasionally.

Please remember, that experiencing pelvic pain does not mean you are doing anything wrong or that there is necessarily a problem. We’re here to reassure you that you’re not alone in this, and it’s perfectly okay to seek guidance and support when you need it!

Causes Of Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

The causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy are diverse and largely linked to the natural changes your body is undergoing.

One of the most common sources is a condition called ‘symphysis pubis dysfunction’ (SPD). Simply put, this happens when the ligaments that normally keep your pelvic bone aligned become too relaxed and stretchy due to hormonal changes.

This results in the pelvic bone becoming unstable, causing discomfort or pain.

Another cause is ’round ligament pain’, which is typically experienced in the second trimester. Your body builds the round ligaments to support your growing uterus, and as they stretch, you might feel sharp, jabbing sensations in your lower belly or hip area.

Lastly, pressure from your baby’s head can also lead to pelvic pain, as it can compress nerves in your lower spine. This is more common as you approach your due date and your baby settles into the pelvis in preparation for birth.

While these aches and pains can be disconcerting, they are typically a normal part of pregnancy’s physical changes.

Getting Through Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Managing pelvic pain during pregnancy requires a combination of care, caution, and physical activity.

First, ensure that you maintain good posture—avoid standing or sitting in one position for too long, and when lifting objects, bend at your knees, not your waist.

When standing, imagine a straight line running from your ear, through your shoulder, hip, and knee, down to the middle of your ankle. This visualization can help you in keeping your body aligned. It’s also beneficial to engage your core and tuck in your pelvis slightly, which can take some pressure off your lower back.

Second, engage in pregnancy-safe exercises, such as prenatal yoga or swimming, which can help strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility.

Third, consider seeking the assistance of an osteopath specializing in pregnancy-related concerns (like us!) We can provide specific exercises and techniques to support you, and your baby, and alleviate your pain.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of rest—ensure you’re getting adequate sleep and take short breaks whenever necessary during the day.

Are You Concerned About Your Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy?

Here at Focus Osteopathy, we know how daunting it can be for new mums if they experience pelvic pain and it can often be a worry. But we don’t want you to stress!

Instead, we’re here to help you with any concerns you have about your pelvic health and to listen to your worries and put them at ease.

This month, we’re offering you the chance to take the first step to a pelvic pain-free pregnancy with a free mom-ready assessment. During your free mom-ready assessment, you will be able to speak to one of our resident osteopaths who have years of experience behind them and find out the actual cause of your pelvic pain and work with you to find the best solution.

If this sounds like the answer to the pain that you’ve been searching for, arrange your free mom-ready assessment by filling in our simple web form or call our Mount Waverley or Murrumbeena clinic at 1300 003 007 and a member of the team will be happy to help!

Other Free Resources For Pregnancy 

Why not download our free pregnancy-related pain report to get 7 ways to journey through pregnancy including support to empower yourself and your little one to prepare for labour and recover well after birth?

Download Your Copy Of Our FREE  Pregnancy-Related Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – What Pelvic Floor Exercises Should I Actually Be Doing?

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Ease Your Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy

For an expecting mum, experiencing any physical pain in pregnancy can be challenging and scary. But don’t worry too much as this is totally normal and it’s natural to be concerned!

As your pregnancy progresses your pain might gradually come and go, which is why we think it’s important that pregnant mums to be should be armed with some simple, natural tips for managing your pelvic pain in pregnancy.

From maintaining exercise levels to practicing relaxation in the bathtub, these tips might just help soothe your discomfort and let you focus on the excitement of bringing a little one into the world!

#1 Regular Low-Impact Exercise

Low-impact exercise is a great way for pregnant mums to stay active and reduce pelvic pain in pregnancy.

Two examples of low-impact exercises that are perfect for expectant mothers are swimming and prenatal yoga.

Swimming allows pregnant women to stretch and strengthen their muscles while also taking the weight off their joints, making it easier to move around without any added discomfort.

Prenatal yoga, on the other hand, focuses on gentle stretches and breathing techniques that help reduce pelvic pain, improve flexibility, stability, and posture.

Overall, regular low-impact exercise during pregnancy can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the pelvis and reduce the amount of pressure on the pelvic floor, which can help prevent or alleviate pelvic pain in pregnancy.

And on the plus side, if you’re out of pain and feeling refreshed, you have more time to cherish your pregnancy before your little one makes their grand entrance to the world!

#2 Strengthen Your Core Muscles

We cannot stress enough how crucial it is for women to maintain strong core muscles during pregnancy, especially if they’re experiencing pelvic pain!

Strengthening your core improves your body’s posture, stability, and balance, which can alleviate pelvic discomfort. Exercise also helps boost your mood, and when you feel good, it can make a significant difference in your pregnancy experience.

Two safe and effective core exercises for pregnant women with pelvic pain are Kegels and bird-dog.

Kegels are great for strengthening the pelvic floor, and you can easily do them anywhere, anytime.

Bird-dog helps to build your core muscles and enhance your stability, starting on your hands and knees, and maintaining a stable spine position while alternating your arms and legs.

#3 Avoid Sitting For A Long Time

As a soon-to-be mum, it’s important to take care of yourself and your growing baby. One thing you may not have considered is the negative effects of sitting for extended periods of time, especially if you’re experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy.

This discomfort is likely due to your changing body and the added weight in your abdominal area, which can put pressure on your pelvis.

By sitting for too long, you may exacerbate this pain and even cause other issues like stiffness and poor circulation.

To combat these problems, it’s recommended to take regular breaks and move around throughout the day. Gentle stretches and exercises can also help relieve tension and decrease discomfort.

With a little effort and mindfulness, you can keep yourself comfortable and healthy during this exciting time.

#4 Take A Relaxing Bath

It is important to highlight the therapeutic benefits of a warm bath for pregnant mums who are experiencing pelvic pain during pregnancy.

While it may seem counterintuitive to immerse oneself in the water while experiencing discomfort in the pelvic region, the warmth of the water can actually provide significant relief to many pregnant women in this situation.

By submerging in a warm bath, the buoyancy of the water helps to support the body, reducing the pressure on the pelvis and easing pain.

Additionally, the warm temperature of the water helps to relax muscles and loosen tension, making it easier for mums-to-be to find a sense of calm and comfort amidst the discomfort.

For those experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy, a relaxing warm bath can be a simple and effective way to find relief from discomfort and reconnect with the calm of their bodies.

#5 Wear Comfortable Clothing

Wearing comfortable clothes can significantly prevent and alleviate the discomfort caused by pelvic pain. The extra weight and pressure from the growing baby can cause strains on the muscles and ligaments supporting the pelvic region.

Tight and restrictive clothing can exacerbate these pains and discomforts. Opting for loose-fitting clothing, such as maternity pants and dresses, can help reduce unnecessary pressure on the pelvic region, allowing the muscles to relax and alleviate the pain.

When it comes to pregnancy, comfort is key, and moms-to-be should prioritize their comfort in order to have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

Are You Concerned About Your Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy?

Here at Focus Osteopathy, we know how daunting it can be for new mums if they experience pelvic pain and it can often be a worry. But we don’t want you to stress!

Instead, we’re here to help you with any concerns you have about your pelvic health and to listen to your worries and put them at ease.

This month, we’re offering you the chance to take the first step to a pelvic pain-free pregnancy with a free mom-ready assessment. During your free mom-ready assessment, you will be able to speak to one of our resident osteopaths who have years of experience behind them and find out the actual cause of your pelvic pain and work with you to find the best solution.

If this sounds like the answer to the pain that you’ve been searching for, arrange your free mom-ready assessment by filling in our simple web form or call our Mount Waverley or Murrumbeena clinic at 1300 003 007 and a member of the team will be happy to help!

Other Free Resources For Pregnancy 

Why not download our free pregnancy-related pain report to get 7 ways to journey through pregnancy including support to empower yourself and your little one to prepare for labour and recover well after birth?

Download Your Copy Of Our FREE  Pregnancy-Related Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – What Pelvic Floor Exercises Should I Actually Be Doing?

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Breastfeeding Ergonomics – How To Avoid Pain While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Can Become Painful.

If you’ve opted for ‘breast is best’ and have begun to breastfeed, you will inevitably hope that the time spent feeding your little one is intimate and special as well as a wonderful way to bond. 

Gazing down lovingly as your newborn obtains natural nourishment from you should be rewarding. So why do so many new mothers quip, after just a few weeks, that breastfeeding has become both painful and somewhat dreaded?

Breastfeeding is of course a natural process that offers numerous benefits to both mother and baby.

However, because breastfeeding is natural, we are also inclined to assume that the process will not cause any undue discomfort to a new mother. 

Yet, as osteopathic specialists, we know that any new physical undertaking carries potential to cause pain and other issues if not carried out in an ideal way.

Breastfeeding is a surprisingly demanding challenge for a mother’s body, requiring her to feeding every few hours while counteracting the growing baby’s weight each and every time.  

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While a new-born understandably becomes a new mother’s sole focus and priority, it is not uncommon for her body to struggle to adapt to all of the physical demands now suddenly asked of her as she breastfeeds.  

Albeit an unwelcome truth, a new mother’s ligaments and muscles will soon begin to grumble about repetitive bouts of bad posture and prolonged static positions just as they would’ve done before motherhood began.

As there are so many different ways to breastfeed, the discomfort that develops varies too. 

If you’ve not long begun breastfeeding and have noticed more headaches than normal as well as new aches and pains within your neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back, elbows, wrists and hands, there’s a high chance that you’re not feeding in an optimal manner and are beginning to experience the after-effects.

However, take heart in the knowledge that there are numerous osteopathic strategies that you can use to make breastfeeding comfortable and pleasant again. 

Many of these strategies make use of items that are likely already in your home or require nothing more than a slight adjustment to your positioning. Let’s take a closer look.

Incorporate Breastfeeding Ergonomics

The most effective way to avoid pain while breastfeeding is to incorporate some ergonomic strategy into your routine. 

Ergonomics might sound complicated and something that’s more geared towards ensuring office workers are positioned correctly with their computer but, overall, ergonomics are actually just some simple steps towards having good posture while you’re doing what you’re doing. 

We understand that a new mother might not be interested in the term ‘ergonomics’ when she has her little one to admire but, if small postural changes are made early on, they can make a big difference and prevent pain right from when breastfeeding commences.

There is no need to be uncomfortable while performing the admirable task of breastfeeding. This is particularly relevant in a time when lingering pain from childbirth, fatigue, overwhelm and post-natal depression can all simultaneously add to the workload of being a new mum. 

By subtly introducing some ergonomics into your feeding sessions, you’ll significantly reduce the chances of developing musculoskeletal discomfort while also feeling confident that you’re feeding correctly and giving yourself the chance to enjoy this cherished time pain-free.

Additionally, having good posture as you breastfeed also helps to ensure a healthy and steady milk flow.

Tap into Local Breastfeeding Support

Did you know that you can seek in-person advice and support from a local breastfeeding group

Meetings run by breastfeeding support groups are designed to teach what is required during breastfeeding as well as sharing what is normal and what is not.  You can tap into other people’s experiences and share thoughts generally on breastfeeding. 

Ideally, you want to get ahead and start attending a breastfeeding group before baby arrives but new mothers, partners and hungry little ones are just as welcome as they work together to get things going.

Set-up a Feeding Station and Add Physical Support

Given the numerous hours that breastfeeding entails, it’s an investment to spend a short amount of time setting up a bespoke feeding station for you and your little one. 

Aim to find a comfortable spot within the home that can accommodate a supportive chair, a small table that can sit alongside (ideally reaching up to the same height as the arms of your chair) and a foot stool. 

Combined, these will all enable you to sit comfortably and supported while breastfeeding over prolonged periods. 

Make sure to sit all the way back in your chair as this will help prevent back pain and use the foot stool to raise your feet up as and when necessary. 

When sitting without the foot stool, place both feet flat on the floor. Try to avoid raising your little one up to you by pushing up off the floor with your toes. 

Instead use a large, flat pillow or two beneath baby to fill any gap between you by positioning the pillows on your lap to bring baby up to the level of your nipple. This will help avoid bad postural hunching and strain within the leg muscles.

Meanwhile, your nearby table can be used to ensure that all you need is to hand when sitting in your chair.

What you choose to have here is entirely down to personal preference but common choices include extra pillows, cloths, a cup, drinks and snacks, a book, a TV remote control and a mobile phone.

Adopt an Array of Breastfeeding Positions

Using the same breastfeeding position time-and-time again may be a tempting lazy option but, over the long-term, this can become boring while the use of a sole position equates to excessive strain being placed on a very limited range of muscles and leads to pain.

There are a great many ways to hold baby while enjoying a comfortable angle and strong latch between you. Trial as many different positions as you can for you’ll inevitably find some positions work better at home whilst others prove more practical when out and about.

Among our favourite, ergonomic-friendly breastfeeding positions are the cross-cradle hold, the laid-back position, the football position, the side-lying position and the sweetly-named Koala hold.

The cross-cradle hold is a particularly good position for new and inexperienced mothers, allowing for good control of baby’s head. 

It is good practice to support baby from between the shoulder blades rather than pushing from behind the head for, with the latter, little one will simply push back against you. 

Cross-cradle is also helpful for premature babies or where there is a poor latch.

The laid-back position is also good in the early stages of motherhood. You’ll be surprised how good  baby is at instinctively knowing how to seek out a feed and it’s a good opportunity to let them explore using hands and smell before they latch on with you. 

The football hold is recommended where a Caesarean delivery has occurred and mum is therefore trying to avoid the Caesarean wound.  The use of pillows – behind mum’s back and under baby – helps enormously with this position.

The side-lying position is a favourite for night-time feeds and a particularly relaxing technique to try.  Side-lying is another position recommended for mums who are trying to avoid contact around their abdomen post-Caesarean. 

Not only does the koala hold make us feel nostalgic for home, this cute position can help where neck tension or spasms are proving problematic as your legs and knees support baby’s weight, giving your upper body some welcome relief.  

Learning a handful of positions not only introduces variety into your breastfeeding routine, but it will also challenge and strengthen baby’s motor skills while helping you avoid pain.  You can learn these positions at a breastfeeding support group, via online tutorials or with us here at the Focus Osteopathy clinic

Keep Moving

Whichever breastfeeding positions you choose, aim to avoid being in any given position for more than 45 minutes and switch to another when this time has passed.

This is because holding a prolonged static position causes a build-up of lactic acid within muscle tissue, causing pain.  At the same time, circulation and oxygen levels in the muscle decrease, causing us to feel stiff.   

To counteract these issues, use any winding breaks as an opportunity to move or walk around for a few minutes.

Another simple yet effective trick is to switch sides.  This encourages even milk supply from both breasts as well as giving your muscles equal opportunity to work and recover.  Setting a timer to switch sides after 15 minutes can be a helpful reminder. 

It’s also a great idea to take a few minutes after breastfeeding to do some gentle stretches as this helps relieve any tension that has developed while you’ve been with baby. 

We recommend trying rotational movements from side-to-side whilst sitting in a chair, turning your head from side-to-side and rolling your shoulders. Additionally, rolling over the back of your chair or a big supportive pillow on the floor can help open up the chest and remobilise the upper back.

Try to incorporate gentle post-feeding movement into your routine. It’ll become a welcome treat after a job well done.

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Bun In The Oven? Why Your Wrist Pain Is Pregnancy Related.

Ouch! My wrist has begun to hurt since pregnancy. Seriously, is this a symptom? 

Amid the joy of a new pregnancy follows the need to adapt to a vast array of side-effects. 

From morning sickness to stomach cramps, headaches, puffy ankles, mood swings and sleeplessness, pregnancy brings many well-known symptoms meaning – even for the strongest willed of women – being a mother-to-be can feel like a lengthy test of endurance.   

But what about wrist pain?  Did anyone at the family planning mention that wrist pain is a surprisingly common symptom of pregnancy too?  

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Yes, it’s true. Up to 40% of pregnant women experience wrist pain in the run-up to delivering their child and sometimes beyond in the post-natal phase.  

Irritating wrist pain during pregnancy usually develops thanks to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), with pain making itself known during either the second or third trimester of pregnancy.   

Seriously, what’s the connection between wrist pain and pregnancy and why does your wrist suddenly hurt so badly? 

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a painful condition that is caused by unusual pressure that affects the nerves running through the wrist.  CTS pain is experienced from the base of the hand and radiating up into thumb and index and middle fingers.   

The carpal tunnel is a protective passage in the wrist that contains several tendons as well as the median nerve. The tendons are responsible for moving your fingers whilst the median nerve controls sensitivity throughout the hand.  It is a compact area not too dissimilar from the wiring you find packed inside telephone wires. 

However, problems arise when either the carpal tunnel becomes narrowed due to injury or when the pressure around the median nerve increases.  When the highly sensitive median nerve is compressed, notable pain can be felt through the wrist and hand. This has the potential to disrupt sleep as well as interfering with the ability to grasp objects firmly. 

In most cases, particularly in pregnant women, CTS will usually affect both hands simultaneously. 

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  

Besides considerable discomfort spreading up and throughout most of your hand, CTS can also cause numbness or tingling sensations as well as pain that radiates from the wrist and up through the arm, elbow or shoulder.  

It is common for the wrist or fingers to also look and feel swollen as well as pain being more problematic overnight. You are more likely to experience worsened CTS symptoms within your dominant hand.  

In advanced CTS cases, use of the thumb can be difficult.  Your hand may feel weak or you may find yourself dropping items by accident and feeling clumsy when trying to pick items back up. 

What is the connection between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and pregnancy? 

CTS affects pregnant women far more than any other group in the general population, with almost half of mothers-to-be getting to know CTS as they prepare for motherhood.  Up to 10% of pregnant women experience CTS to the point of the condition impacting upon their day-to-day activities. Up to 50% of these women will feel CTS symptoms in both hands.   

Pregnancy is one of the strongest risk factors for developing CTS but why is this so? It’s all to do with pressure. As you move through pregnancy, hormonal changes are abound which lead to fluid retention and swelling.  In turn, the carpal tunnel and the median nerve housed within are under far more pressure than normal. If your hands, feet and ankles that look puffy during your pregnancy, you are highly likely to also develop CTS. 

As pregnancy continues to progress, compression within the wrist increases hence why CTS tends to strike in the latter trimesters. This is when the median nerve begins to radiate pain thanks to the tendons becoming irritated and inflamed. Consequently, thanks to these issues, overall functioning within the hand then tends to suffer.   

The hormone relaxin, released during pregnancy to help the body cope with the growing baby inside, can also contribute to CTS.  As relaxin is released throughout the body, it affects many different types of tissues, including ligaments within the wrist.  Relaxin loosens these ligaments and they can sometimes partly collapse and entrap the median nerve.   

In addition to fluid retention and swelling, the physical adjustment by the body to a growing stomach and enlarged breasts that are readying themselves for feeding a new-born also contributes to CTS. As extra weight pulls on the upper shoulders and neck, the shoulders begin to internally rotate and the head juts forward. This leads to a tense upper body and reduced blood flow into the arms, hands and wrists, further enhancing the possibility of CTS. 

Furthermore, as if struggling to sleep in the late stages of pregnancy wasn’t bad enough, all those awkward sleeping positions that are being tried out can also exacerbate the CTS symptoms.  

Pregnancy and Risk Factors for CTS 

There are several factors that can increase risk for developing CTS during pregnancy. These include being pregnant with more than one baby, excessive body weight, having hypertension or the mother being over 30 years old. 

Additionally, if CTS has been experienced within the family, there is a higher risk of developing the condition for CTS is somewhat hereditary in nature.  Similarly, if CTS has been experienced in a previous pregnancy, it is common for this niggle to reoccur in a new pregnancy. 

Post-Natal Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  

Although CTS is much more common in pregnant women, it is also a condition that can carry on into the post-natal stage too. Of those who experience CTS during pregnancy, 50% will still have a degree of CTS one year after giving birth. Three years after giving birth, 30% of mothers still experience a degree of CTS symptoms. 

Although these statistics may sound disheartening, pregnancy-induced CTS ceases more readily than CTS that results from any other factor.  Indeed, as hormones resort to their pre-pregnancy state, CTS should gradually resolve after childbirth. This usually occurs over a period of a few weeks.  

However, if other risk factors are present or a repetitive wrist injury occurs from holding and caring for the child afterward, CTS can persist for longer.   

As a general rule, if CTS symptoms begin early within a pregnancy, they will normally take longer to resolve. 

Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome via Osteopathy 

If you suspect CTS during pregnancy, consulting with an osteopath can provide an accurate diagnosis. To confirm the condition, your osteopath will first conduct an examination of your neck, shoulders, arms and hands.  This helps to rule out other conditions that can cause similar symptoms to CTS.  This is likely to be accompanied by grip, sensory and range-of-motion tests.  These will establish the strength and dexterity that you have in your hands as well as highlighting when symptoms occur during regular daily movement.   

Preeclampsia – An Important Consideration 

Upon presenting with symptoms of CTS, your osteopath will be keen to investigate the possibility of another potential condition known as preeclampsia.   

Preeclampsia is a complex condition that develops during pregnancy and involves high blood pressure in combination with either protein within the urine or low platelets in the blood.  Not only can preeclampsia contribute to pain in the wrists and hands, it can also cause persistent headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, weight gain, unusual swelling, blurry vision and a feeling of being short of breath.   

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy and Beyond – How Focus Osteopathy Can Help 

Unlike many doctors, we do not apply the ‘wait and see’ approach. After all, that only leaves you in the lurch.   

We understand that although CTS is usually only a temporary inconvenience – experienced during and shortly after pregnancy – it is also a highly irritating problem and one you’re likely to be glad of assistance with.  As if you didn’t already have enough pregnancy symptoms to handle without painful wrists in the mix too! 

When dealing with the niggling symptoms of CTS, consulting with an osteopath offers up numerous treatment options that are safe for you and your baby, both throughout your pregnancy and beyond.   

After providing an accurate diagnosis and establishing exactly how CTS is affecting you day-to-day, we will then narrow down what’s required to manage your symptoms and reduce your pain.   

Often the simplest solutions work best so we would usually begin with guidance on how to avoid any specific movements that are causing you significant pain. We would also look at your overall posture and day-to-day activities to see if there is anything that can be tweaked to reduce CTS symptoms.  This could include incorporating rest periods and stretch breaks into your day as well as potentially adjusting a desk or workstation set-up.  

Additionally, we can teach you gentle exercises that will improve flexibility in the wrist, hands and fingers. These will increase blood flow and reduce pain.  Alternating hot/cold treatments as well as stress reduction and fluid draining massage can also prove beneficial.  

Splinting is another option, most commonly used at night. This helps to reduce overall strain within the wrist. Your osteopath can provide and adjust the splint for maximum benefit. A good night’s sleep may just well follow! 

When your new-born arrives, your osteopath can remain on hand as your wrists are highly likely to be challenged by having a baby to regularly pick up and hold. Here, we can advise on how to hold your new-born without CTS continuing to trouble you, allowing you to move on from wrist pain and focus on simply enjoying these precious moments with your new child. 

A Quick Note About De Quervain’s Syndrome 

De Quervain’s Disease/Syndrome sounds exotic, but you don’t need to travel amid the jungles to develop the condition. 

The syndrome affects the tendons located on your thumb, that run in a tunnel (tendon sheath). The thickening of the ligamentous structure over this tunnel causes pain when the thumb is used or moved. 

For men, it can occur out of the blue. Yet, for women, it can often be linked to pregnancy. Besides ‘joining the wrist-pain party’, it can also occur in young mothers when picking up their baby.  

Symptoms may include swelling or soreness on the thumb side of your wrist, alongside pain when using the tendons around your thumb. 

It’s always worth speaking to your Osteopath about De Quervain’s Syndrome as, occasionally, it can mimic the symptoms of other conditions, and vice versa. 

Speak to us. We can help.

The Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Experiencing urinary problems? Pelvic Floor Dysfunction may be to blame. 

When you’re experiencing urinary problems, there’s a high chance that a condition known as ‘Pelvic Floor Dysfunction‘ may be lurking behind the numerous symptoms that are frustrating, exhausting and embarrassing. 

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What is the Pelvic Floor?  

The pelvic floor consists of a group of muscles that form a bowl-shaped hammock, stretching between the pubic bone and the coccyx at the base of the spine.  It is a fundamental structure, sitting at a slight tilt and performing several roles including strengthening the abdomen and back, stabilizing the core and controlling urination and defecation.   

The pelvic floor holds many internal organs in place, among which are the lower intestine and bladder as well as the prostate in men and the ovaries and uterus in women. During childbirth, the pelvic floor must relax to allow the safe delivery of a baby. 

When considering the sheer load of what must be physically supported as well as its many differing functions, the pelvic floor possesses impressive capabilities

What is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? 

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) is an umbrella term that indicates something has gone wrong with the pelvic floor muscles. Many problematic symptoms – including urinary issues – arise in the presence of this condition.   

There are two forms of PFD, each dictated by the state of the pelvic floor.

The first form is referred to as hypotonicity (or low muscle tone) and results from weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. In this case, the muscles possess a poor level of contraction, often leading to pelvic organ prolapse (POP) as well as urinary and faecal incontinence and many other symptoms. 

The second form of PFD is caused by hypertonicity, where the pelvic floor muscles are tense or tight and cannot fully relax. This can lead to voiding issues with the bladder and bowel as well as pain during intercourse and within the lower back. 

PFD is a notable problem among new mothers – the condition registers as the most common complication of childbirth.  In rare cases, PFD can be triggered by a sudden injury (e.g., a fall onto the perineum). 

PFD can be surprisingly debilitating, often thanks to the interconnected nature of the fascia (connective tissues) within the pelvis. This means that an issue in one area of the pelvic floor has a good chance of impacting another. 

For the majority of those with PFD, the problem has built up slowly as a result of multiple concurrent factors, with the condition only manifesting itself symptomatically when a high level of muscle weakness or tightness has developed.   

Symptoms of PFD 

PFD delivers numerous symptoms, many of which are painful and problematic.  Symptoms of PFD develop so gradually that they’re often mistaken as part and parcel of getting older.  

As a result, the issue may not be recognized by an individual for many years. Sometimes PFD is detected unexpectedly in a check-up (e.g., ultra-scan) for an entirely different medical matter.  

PFD is most commonly associated with urinary incontinence but this is not always the case.  

Other possible symptoms include pelvic pain, faecal incontinence, lower back pain, coccyx pain, difficulty sleeping, pain during intercourse, an inability to void or defecate fully, a general feeling of pressure within the pelvis, the urge to urinate frequently, repeated urinary infections and a weak urine stream.  

PFD and Urinary Issues in Women

PFD afflicts both genders but not equally.  Lifestyle factors such as partaking in high-impact sport, obesity or extended periods of sitting can increase PFD risk in both sexes. However, women are troubled by PFD much more thanks to the various strains and changes that the pelvis undergoes during a woman’s lifetime. 

A common cause of PFD in females is childbirth. Over 30% of women experience injury to the pelvic floor during labour. Without adequate muscle training, the pelvic floor is often weak post-partum.   

In later life, menopausal hormone changes can encourage PFD to develop. Over half of women over the age of 50 experience a degree of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).  

Often, caused by weakness within the pelvic floor, POP allows an organ to shift and this causes issues by putting unexpected pressure elsewhere in the pelvis.  Undergoing a hysterectomy will increase the chances of POP and PFD occurring.

On the other hand, significant POP can also be the reason why some women have a hysterectomy.  

One of the stand-out symptoms of PFD in women is urinary difficulty.  This can take the form of urinary leaks when coughing, sneezing and moving around (urinary incontinence) or difficulty emptying the bladder (urinary retention).  

Urinary incontinence is frequently associated with decreasing oestrogen levels while urinary retention is caused by either an obstruction near the bladder or dysfunction of a bladder muscle. 

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These issues can be caused by POP, changing hormone levels, a tumour or uterine fibroids compressing the urethra or neurological damage that stems from a chronic illness such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. Occasionally, a retroverted gravid uterus can cause urinary retention post-partum.   

The bladder itself can prolapse within the pelvis. When this occurs, it is medically referred to as a cystocele. The fallen bladder then presses against the front vaginal wall, causing a feeling of heaviness. Bladder prolapse can occur solo or in conjunction with uterine or rectal prolapse and this is usually determined by the overall condition of the pelvic floor.  

Around a quarter of women will develop PFD but sadly, due to lack of awareness on the condition and the embarrassment that accompanies tackling the problem, only a small proportion actually seek treatment. 

Treating PFD and Urinary Issues with Osteopathy  

As osteopaths, it is frustrating to know so many women unknowingly develop PFD and then go on to experience its unpleasant side-effects while avoiding assistance thanks to embarrassment.  

This is especially true when we know that the condition is easy to diagnose and responsive to the appropriate treatment. PFD cases either disappear or significantly improve with manual therapy and rehabilitation advice, including osteopathy. 

Which specific form of PFD has arisen is diagnosed via its symptoms and from which organ the issues originate from.   

If you suspect PFD, do not let embarrassment stop you from seeking help. This is important for the longer PFD is left unmanaged, the more treatment is usually needed.  

For example, urinary retention is very uncomfortable and, if not addressed, it can be dangerous too. When the bladder cannot empty sufficiently, this can cause renal damage long-term and then both issues require treatment.   

To obtain an accurate diagnosis, your osteopath will find it helpful to know your medical background as well as what symptoms you are experiencing. PFD can be caused by other issues so be sure to give as much detail as you can. 

50% of people with constipation also have PFD, caused by the constant strain during defecation.  By remedying one issue, even if it may seem unrelated, you may also address PFD. 

Upon consultation, your osteopath will want to establish what issues, if any, are present within your pelvic floor.  You may be asked to breathe, sit, stand and walk within the clinic as moving around helps pinpoint posture issues that could be negatively affecting your pelvic floor.  

Your osteopath may also seek to identify muscle trigger points and tight connective tissues that add to your discomfort. Further insight can often be revealed by an internal examination as this allows both the strength and tightness of the muscles in the pelvic floor to be fully evaluated.  

Following diagnosis of PFD, your osteopath can develop a rehabilitation plan, which is tailored specifically to remedying the exact form and severity of PFD that you have as well as any associated issues that may also be lingering.  

In many cases, simply restoring a higher level of mobility and movement proves enormously beneficial. 

This is usually gained through, breath retraining, posture re-training combined with home exercises designed to either strengthen or relax the pelvic floor muscles as required.   

In addition, your osteopath may prescribe dietary changes to reduce overall pain and enhance your rehabilitation as you work on the physical elements of your programme. 

They may also introduce manual massage or myofascial release into your plan as well as the use of a transcutaneous electrical neural stimulation (TENS) machine or the use of biofeedback sensors. 

However your osteopath guides you through rehabilitation therapy, the overall aim will be to combat PFD by restoring healthy function in your pelvic floor.  

Your osteopath will also be able to advise on lifestyle habits and either offer direct training or point you in the right direction for other helpful techniques such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture and deep breathing. 

Combined, an osteopathic rehabilitation programme can significantly enhance your overall well-being as well as empower you to not let PFD affect your life and lifestyle for good. 

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Coccyx Pain – My Tailbone Hurts to Sit

 Ouch! Has sitting down become uncomfortable? It could be your coccyx… 

To sit down, to take a seat, to make yourself comfortable, to take the weight off one’s feet – it all sounds so inviting and oh-so-good, until it actually hurts to do so.  If you’ve found yourself saying ‘I’d rather stand thanks’ just a little too often lately, it’s possible you’re dealing with an uncomfortable condition known as coccydynia.  

This term relates to a range of symptoms including tenderness, stiffness and pain, which all stem from the tailbone and have the potential to make sitting a day-to-day nightmare.   

Coccydynia usually manifests itself as a relentless ache within the lower back as well as sharp pains that radiate from the area as you try to stand upright from a seated position or bend forward.  

In some cases, shooting pains are also felt down through the legs as well as around the hips and anus or backside.  For women, the pain of coccydynia can be prominent during intercourse and menstruation. 

Tailbone pain typically lasts a few weeks but, when the issue is not addressed sufficiently, symptoms often last far longer. Coccydynia can therefore become a long-term condition with pain that peaks and troughs in correlation with what’s going on in your lifestyle. 

Despite how prevalent a condition tailbone pain is, many sufferers simply shuffle around in their seats and put up with the ongoing discomfort.  This is partly because of an assumption that lower back pain is an inevitable part of working long hours behind a desk or that aches and pains are simply part of getting older.   

However, if you’re prone to thinking that long-distance travel is only bearable with high-class, squidgy seats beneath you or, better still, you’d ‘rather stand thanks’, coccydynia may be the reason why sitting has become so noticeably uncomfortable. 

What Is The Coccyx And What Does It Do? 

Difference between male and female hips.

The coccyx is a triangular bony structure, composed of three to five small bones that are located together at the base of your spine.  Also known as the tailbone, the coccyx serves as a framework for several pelvic muscles and ligaments to attach themselves to.

In doing so, this provides much-needed stability and support for the contents of the pelvis, including the bowel and urogenital organs, which would otherwise weaken the pelvic floor.   

Additionally, the coccyx possesses the ability to move slightly. Albeit possessing a limited amount of flex, the coccyx can move when the nearby pelvis, hips and legs are in motion as well as during childbirth.   

Although the overall purpose of the coccyx is modest, if all is not well here, the repercussions can be painful for this area is generously populated with nerves.  It is unlikely you will fail to notice an injury to the coccyx. This is particularly true if you are prone to long periods of sitting. 

What Causes Coccydynia? 

Female coccyx pain.

There are numerous causes for coccydynia, some of which bring the condition on suddenly while others gradually lead towards the problem.   

Within our osteopathic clinic, it is generally those who have noticed sudden tailbone pain that we see most often. Primarily, this is because cases of coccydynia that bring on severe pain – which previously didn’t exist – usually result from physical trauma to the lower back. 

This may occur during sport or, most usually, a slip and hard fall onto where the coccyx resides.  Around 50% of coccydynia cases occur thanks to unexpected injury and there’s nothing quite like sudden, sharp pain to encourage a visit to a healthcare specialist. When it is slippery outside, we tend to get busy! These traumatic injuries can include a fracture to the coccyx! 

For women, the possibility of developing coccydynia is up to five times higher than men. Because a woman’s pelvis is broader, the coccyx is more exposed and subsequently more vulnerable to injury. 

Furthermore, the nature of a woman’s pelvic anatomy leads to a natural inclination for more weight to be placed upon the tailbone during sitting, the load of which increases the likelihood of experiencing pain. 

Additionally, a woman’s pelvis endures a great deal of strain during childbirth while both the sacrum and coccyx move during delivery.  This can overstretch the muscles and ligaments attached to the coccyx. Although helpful during childbirth, this can result in postnatal discomfort.   

Other possible causes of coccydynia include natural wear and tear as well as osteoarthritic conditions as we get older, repetitive strain injuries from repeated movements, being either over or underweight, possessing an unusual curvature within the spine (known as scoliosis), infection within the lower back or a cancerous tumour located close to the coccyx.

It is often patients with these additional issues that we do not see as readily in our clinic for it is common for their tailbone pain to develop gradually and thus, mistaken as a nuisance that is simply to be endured. 

Interestingly, many cases of coccydynia are entirely preventable for they simply result from poor ergonomics – like sitting postures or inadequate lifestyle choices.  Long periods of sitting, cheap office furniture, insufficient movement and a lack of strength within the core muscles are all factors that can lead to coccydynia and then keep the resulting pain going, unnecessarily, for years afterwards. 

How Can I Tackle Tailbone Pain? 

What causes coccyx pain?

Many solutions exist for remedying tailbone pain and these are usually dictated by what has initially caused the issue.  

Our first recommendation is to acknowledge the problem and seek an expert diagnosis as soon as possible. You can obtain this either via your doctor or an osteopathic specialist. Ignoring pain, particularly if there is a genuine injury present, can lead to exasperating the issue further as well as prolonging the time that it will take to recover. 

By establishing exactly what is causing your discomfort, you will be able to receive medical guidance and precise treatment that is tailored specifically to you rather than working through several strategies that could prove fruitless and frustrating. 

Osteopathic Solutions For Coccydynia 

Coccyx and hips.

Call us biased but we genuinely believe that an osteopathic approach is the most effective way to rid yourself of troublesome coccydynia.  Not only is osteopathy a hands on specific treatment geared for solving the likes of tailbone pain, it is fully natural and does not require drug-based treatment. 

Avoiding drug-based treatment allows you to side-step recurrent trips to the local pharmacy as well as a whole array of unwanted side effects that are usually offered up by pills.  Impressively, osteopathy has been demonstrated to be more effective, in the long-term, than treatment via corticosteroid injections.   

Not only is an osteopath able to establish the position of both your spine and pelvis, they can also physically assist you to gently realign and therefore counteract the cause of your pain.  

Diagnosis is achieved via  a full medical history and extensive and thorough examination of the whole body – with particular interest around the pelvis, inclusive of the spinal joints, muscles and ligaments that have a relationship and connect to the coccyx .  Not only does this pinpoint how coccydynia has developed, it can also begin reducing the stress on and around the lower back. 

Most osteopathic therapies will then move into soft tissue manipulation, gentle stretches and mobility and fascial release techniques.  For greater healing, your osteopath may also recommend an internal assessment of the pelvic floor muscles and coccyx.  

Combined, osteopathic strategies offer a powerful yet natural solution for solving the irritating pain that results from coccydynia.  Additionally, your osteopath will also be able to offer detailed insight into how the condition developed and therefore how you can prevent a future reoccurrence.  

Are you sitting comfortably?  If not, why not let Focus Osteopathy show you how? 

What’s The Best Position To Sleep When Pregnant?

What’s The Best Position To Sleep When Pregnant?

Is pregnancy keeping you awake at night?

It doesn’t have to. Osteopathy and many other things can help. 

There are many reasons why you might be having trouble sleeping whilst being pregnant.

Not least the anxiety that comes with becoming a new mother and wondering how you will cope with your new responsibilities – or get the baby out in the first place.

But the most common reason for lack of sleep during pregnancy is the physical aches and pains accompanying carrying a tiny human in your belly. 

Experiencing abdominal and pelvic pain during pregnancy is generally nothing to worry about as it’s part of the process as your body changes to accommodate your growing baby.

These pains can regularly stop you from getting a good night’s sleep, which isn’t great for you or your baby. 

But what can you do about it?

More Blogs From Focus Osteopathy:

What Pelvic Floor Exercises Should I Actually Be Doing?

How Can I Relieve My Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy: Dealing With Back Pain When Sleeping

What Causes Pain (And Keeps You Awake) During Pregnancy?

Woman having difficulty sleeping due to pregnancy

Certain kinds of pain during pregnancy are expected, and the following types of pain pose no risk to you or your baby, even though they keep you awake at night:

Round Ligament Pain

Mostly, the symptoms include a sharp, intense pain while changing position when sleeping or lying down.

However, round ligament pain may also appear dull and lingering.

This kind of pain occurs due to the two large ligaments that extend from the uterus to the groin, which get stretched due to the growth of the uterus leading to discomfort.

In most cases, round ligament pain appears in the second trimester and is considered benign.

Osteopathy can help with this and other types of pain that can become bothersome during pregnancy.  

Gas And Constipation

As your progesterone levels increase during pregnancy, this can lead to developing more digestive issues.

As the hormone levels rise, the GI tract’s function can be affected, and the digestion of food slows down. It can make you feel like food is lying in your stomach, making it difficult to relax and get to sleep.

To prevent digestive problems during pregnancy and to get a better night’s sleep, you should aim to consume more food that is rich in fibre.

In addition, increase your water intake, and ensure you’re getting enough gentle exercise.

Braxton Hicks Contractions

Also known as “practice contractions”, these pains are more of a discomfort than anything serious. But they can contribute to sleepless nights in your final trimester.

The symptoms are the contraction of the stomach muscles that makes the stomach feel hard and tight. But it is essential to know the difference between actual contractions and Braxton Hicks.

True contractions last longer, happen closer together and cause more severe pain. They can also cause you to feel breathless, making it difficult to continue any activity.

Generally, if you can continue doing any activity during the contraction, it is likely to be Braxton hicks. Since this type of contraction is more likely to occur because of dehydration.

Staying well hydrated can help to control the Braxton Hicks contractions and help you get a night’s sleep.  

How To Sleep Soundly During Pregnancy

Multiple photos showing comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy

Sometimes, there is no real reason for not being able to sleep during pregnancy. Other than it’s just challenging to get comfortable when you have a big baby bump to contend with.

But as we’ve already mentioned, sleep is vital for you and your growing baby.

So, what can you do to ensure you get a good night’s sleep, and what is the best position to sleep when pregnant?





There are so many things to consider when pregnant that it can become overwhelming. Sometimes, that alone is enough to keep you awake at night.

But there are some things to consider when deciding how to sleep when pregnant. 

For example, most doctors agree that sleeping on your side is the best position to sleep when pregnant.

Why? Because it is likely to limit blood flow to the uterus and, therefore, the safest position for your baby.

It’s highly unlikely, but previous studies have suggested that sleeping on your back when pregnant can negatively affect your pregnancy, particularly in the latter stages. 

But should you sleep on your left or right side?

Again, small studies suggest that the best position to sleep when pregnant is to lie on your side and choose your left side.

There are a couple of reasons for this preference for the left side. Most notably, the large vein that carries blood and oxygen to your baby – the IVC (inferior vena cava) – is on your right side. So it stands to reason that if you sleep on your right side, you could potentially reduce the blood flow inside this all-important vein.

Sleeping on your left also reduces any unnecessary pressure on your liver.

However, all the risks associated with sleeping on your right side are small (some studies suggest zero risk for left or right-sided sleeping).

It comes down to personal preference and the position you feel most comfortable. There are risks associated with lack of sleep during pregnancy, so you must weigh the pros and cons. 

However, if you slept on your back or front before pregnancy and found side sleeping uncomfortable, there are some things you can do to make it more comfortable, such as putting a pillow between your knees or investing in a pregnancy pillow – a long pillow that can be used to support your bump and to put between your legs to offer additional support and comfort. 

Important Information 

Young woman suffering from pregnancy pain

Apart from those mentioned above, there are many other reasons to experience sleepless nights and discomfort during pregnancy that are not serious.

These include sensitivity to certain foods, stomach infections, and a growing uterus. All can cause abdominal pain of some kind but are not serious. 

But some types of abdominal and pelvic pain can be serious during pregnancy.

While most women that have pain during pregnancy go on to have healthy pregnancies.

There are situations where abdominal pain that wakes you up in the middle of the night requires medical attention:


Sadly, miscarriage is among the most common reasons for termination of pregnancy, with around 20% of pregnancies ending in miscarriages.

Also medically termed as spontaneous abortion, a miscarriage is most likely to happen during the first 13 weeks of getting pregnant.

Some of the symptoms of this condition are regular contractions ranging from 5-20 minutes.

In addition, bleeding accompanied with or without cramps, back pain ranging from mild to severe, discharge of clots or tissue material from the vagina and a sudden lack of other pregnancy signs.  

Ectopic Pregnancy

This is a less common condition but does happen in 1 of 50 pregnancies when the egg implants outside the uterus.

In most situations, it implants in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be continued and need immediate medical care.

When women experience an ectopic pregnancy, they feel intense pain accompanied by bleeding anywhere in the 6 to 10th week of pregnancy.

Women at high risk of ectopic pregnancy have endometriosis, have an IUD when conceived, have had an earlier ectopic pregnancy or have undergone tubal ligation. 

Urinary Tract Infection

One of the more common causes that pose a serious health risk during pregnancy is a UTI (urinary tract infection).

While it is easily treatable, it can cause pregnancy complications if neglected.

The symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating and discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen area, which is likely to keep you awake at night.


When a pregnant woman experiences preeclampsia, there is a rise in blood pressure and an increase in protein in the urine around the 20th week of pregnancy.

Some of the symptoms will include pain in the abdomen, below the right ribs, and other signs indicative of preeclampsia.

These can consist of a build-up of excess pressure in the abdominal region, vomiting and nausea etc. can occur as well. This condition requires urgent medical attention. 

Placental Abruption

Another dangerous medical condition is placental abruption, resulting in the placenta separating from the uterus before the baby’s birth.

The main symptom of this condition is that the stomach feels very hard to the touch, is painful and remains like this for a long time.

Additional symptoms are premature water breakage or discharge of bloody fluid with pain and discomfort in the abdomen and back pain. 

If you have any of the following symptoms along with pain in the abdomen and discomfort, you should seek medical attention and get checked over:

  • Intense pain that persists for an extended period
  • Developing fever accompanied by chills
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Feeling light-headed and dizzy
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Experiencing pain while urinating
  • Spotting or bleeding of any type

Can Physical Therapy Help?

Yes, physical therapy is one of the most effective ways to ease your pain during pregnancy.

Here at Focus Osteopathy we specialise in supporting soon to be mums in every step of their pregnancy.

We can help you feel better with a simple, natural recovery plan that gets to the core of what is causing your pain.

Our specialist team are experienced in treating pregnancy-related musculoskeletal pain.

You can book a FREE Discovery Session with us where we will be able to find the cause of your pain and give you advice on how to have a better nights sleep.

Osteopathy treatment can help with your pain, which will help you sleep better, move better and feel better.

How Can I Relieve My Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Is pelvic pain ruining your pregnancy?

Would you like some tips on how to alleviate the pain?

Pregnancy can be one of the most joyous occasions in your life. But while there is great excitement about eventually meeting your new baby and becoming a mother, it can also be physically exhausting, especially in the third trimester and the later stages of your pregnancy.

Plus (although most are minor), very few women are lucky enough to enjoy pregnancy with zero side effects.

In most cases, there is usually some heartburn and indigestion, lower back, foot ankle and knee pain, and digestive symptoms, but the most common complaint amongst pregnant women is pelvic pain.

Studies show that around 70% of women suffer pelvic pain at some stage of their pregnancy. 

During pregnancy, pelvic pain symptoms include pain in the pelvic region, hips, and lower back area.

There may be other symptoms, including groin pain, clicking noises around the hips and pelvis, and the pain may worsen when you climb the stairs, roll over in bed, walk long distances or on uneven surfaces and getting out of the car.

We also refer to this type of pain as Pelvic Girdle Pain or PGP – a catch-all term that describes pain in the front of the pelvis as well as pain that radiates down into the hips and legs, buttocks, and SI (sacroiliac) joints.

One type of pelvic pain can be referred to as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), although we don’t tend to use that term anymore.

But most importantly, it can be super painful and interfere with all aspects of your life and enjoyment of your pregnancy.

But don’t worry. Although it’s normal to worry in pregnancy, pelvic girdle pain doesn’t affect your growing baby – they sleep soundly right through it.

You’re the only one who can feel the pain and discomfort.

So, what’s going on inside your body to cause so much pain?

To help you make sense of PGP and pelvic pain during pregnancy, in this blog, we examine the causes and the symptoms and explore what you can do to fix them. 

More Pregnancy Blogs From Focus Osteopathy
Pregnancy: Dealing With Back Pain When Sleeping
How To Strengthen The Pelvic Floor
How does our modern lifestyle affect posture?

What Causes Pelvic Pain In Early Pregnancy?

If you’re still in the first trimester, it might be a surprise to have pelvic pain so soon into your pregnancy.

But rather than being anything to do with the baby, pelvic pain in early pregnancy is more likely due to the release of hormones.

Specifically, when you become pregnant, your body produces Relaxin (a hormone).

Relaxin helps the ligaments and tendons in your pelvic region become more flexible to accommodate your baby and growing womb and later enable childbirth.

But apart from the role played by Relaxin in softening/stretching the ligaments, your expanding baby bump is also responsible for altering the weight distribution in your body, especially when moving.

The shift in weight distribution can lead to pain in the pelvis and hips because your body continues to produce Relaxin throughout your pregnancy.

So, as your pregnancy progresses and the production of Relaxin increases, so does the likelihood of your pelvic pain intensifying. 

What Causes Pelvic Pain In The Later Stages Of Pregnancy?

Pelvic pain in the later stages of pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, from 12 weeks onwards, can also be due to the continued production and release of the hormone Relaxin.

Production of this hormone continues throughout pregnancy and intensifies just before childbirth – further loosening the tendons and ligaments in preparation for your baby’s arrival.

But apart from the role played by Relaxin in weakening/stretching the ligaments, your expanding baby bump is also responsible for altering the weight distribution in your body, especially when moving.

In addition, your growing baby can also impact your posture and change how you walk – all of which contribute to pelvic pain. 

Once the process of the baby dropping in preparation for labor happens (the baby automatically shifts further down into the pelvis) around 2-4 weeks before delivery, pelvic pain can intensify. Why? 

The baby dropping into the pelvis, results in additional stress, widening and pressure on your muscles, joints, and bones in the pelvic area and lower back. 

Because when lightning occurs, your baby’s head causes stress and pressure on your muscles, joints, and bones in the pelvic area and lower back.

However, although it can be uncomfortable, the good news is that this symptom signifies that you won’t have to wait too much longer to meet your new baby. 

How To Alleviate Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

As with most things in pregnancy – like headaches and other minor aches and pains, it is best to avoid pain medication wherever possible to prevent any harm to your developing baby.

But there are many ways to alleviate pelvic pain in pregnancy without reaching for pain pills. However, you should always consult your doctor before embarking on any new course of treatment. 

Physical therapy is the most effective way to treat pelvic pain during pregnancy. But here are some of the other ways you can alleviate the discomfort:

  • Pregnancy-support aids

Several pregnancy-support aids that are available to buy online can help support your growing bump and make your pregnancy more comfortable.

These include compression pantyhose and belly bands. Compression pantyhose help by compressing your legs and feet – which tend to swell during pregnancy.

They also help to lift and offer support to your belly during different stages of pregnancy – to take the pressure off your pelvic area, lower back, and hips.

Pregnancy “Belly bands” serve a similar purpose and raise your bump while providing support to the pelvic and lower back areas, both of which are highly susceptible to pregnancy-related pain. 

  • Prenatal massage

Having a professional prenatal massage can help reduce pelvic pain by relieving stress and tension, improving blood circulation, and reviving the ligaments and muscles that work so hard during pregnancy.

When your circulation improves after a massage, you will feel less discomfort and hopefully get a better night’s sleep.

This added benefit is especially helpful because good quality sleep reduces pain levels. First, however, make sure you choose a qualified and experienced prenatal massage therapist with extensive experience in maternal care.

Their knowledge of how much pressure should or should not be applied – and what massage oils and essential oils are safe to use during pregnancy – ensures the safety of you and your unborn child.  

  • Stretching exercises 

If your doctor has said it’s ok for you to exercise (within certain prenatal limits, of course), then specific stretching movements and exercises can be hugely beneficial to treating and preventing pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Stretching can help to relieve some of the discomfort and pain in the early stages of your pregnancy.

However, before embarking on an at-home stretching routine, we recommend you consult with a Physical Therapist to learn specific safe movements for the hips, pelvic area, back, and stomach.

For example, pelvic tilt exercises can reduce lower back and pelvic pain by helping to improve your posture and strengthening your muscles and ligaments.

You may also want to try a Prenatal Pilates or yoga class with a range of low-impact moves that can help you treat and prevent pelvic pain.

Low-impact exercise can also improve your sleep. It may also contribute to easier labor and delivery and help you recover faster after the birth. 

How Physical Therapy Treats Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy 

When pelvic girdle pain affects your ability to move around without pain, it can detract from the enjoyment of carrying your baby and being pregnant.

The pain can also keep you awake at night, which isn’t healthy for you or your baby.

So, it’s a good idea to seek treatment for the pain rather than just endure it, so you can get back to enjoying your pregnancy and give your baby the best start possible.

We evaluate your symptoms, find the root cause and work with you to reduce the pain and prevent it from reoccurring.

The treatment for pelvic pain during pregnancy is specific to your set of symptoms and the stage you’re at in your pregnancy.

But is likely to include a combination of manual joint and muscle manipulation and therapeutic stretching and strengthening exercises – all of which are 100% safe during pregnancy. 

After treatment, you can look forward to finally being able to “glow” through the rest of your pregnancy and enjoy every moment of this precious time in your life.  

Not sure whether Physical Therapy is right for you at this stage of your pregnancy?

Why not book a free consultation with one of our women’s health specialists?

We offer all patients a free, no-obligation, 30-minute consultation to discuss their PGP and pelvic pain during pregnancy issues and get immediate advice from a trained physical therapist, either over the telephone or in the clinic.

Book yours now.