Injured Yourself On Holiday? Here’s How Osteopathy Can Help.

Embarking on the holiday brings unforgettable experiences and joyous memories. However, amidst all the excitement and adventure, it’s not uncommon to encounter minor injuries such as muscle strains, back pain, or joint discomfort.

Osteopathy, a distinctive form of drug-free, non-invasive manual medicine, focuses on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. This approach can be especially beneficial in addressing and recovering from holiday-related injuries, ensuring that your post-vacation glow
isn’t dimmed by lingering pains.

Understanding Osteopathy and Its Approach to Common Holiday Injuries

Osteopathy operates on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue functioning smoothly together. During holidays, activities like prolonged walking, carrying heavy luggage, or engaging in new sports can lead to unexpected physical stress. Osteopathy helps by restoring your body’s balance and mobility through hands-on techniques, including stretching, massaging, and mobilising specific joints and soft tissues. 

The holistic approach taken by osteopathy not only addresses specific symptoms but also aids in the overall recovery by promoting better blood circulation, reducing swelling, and enhancing the body’s natural healing processes.

This makes it an excellent choice for those recovering from strains or sprains, joint aches, and other musculoskeletal discomforts commonly associated with travel. 

How Osteopathy Offers a Path to Recovery from Holiday Strains and Sprains

After indulging in the festivities and perhaps overexerting yourself during a holiday, osteopathy can serve as a cornerstone to your recovery strategy. Osteopaths use a range of gentle, non-invasive techniques to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, and enhance the blood supply to tissues.

These methods help your body heal itself naturally. Whether it’s a knee injury from a hiking adventure or a stiff neck from a long flight, osteopathy not only focuses on relieving the pain but also on the underlying causes of the discomfort, which can prevent recurrence and promote long-term health. 

Tailoring Osteopathic Treatments to Individual Needs

One of the key benefits of osteopathy is its customized treatment plans that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. This personalization is particularly advantageous when dealing with holiday-related injuries, as each person’s body reacts differently to physical stress and strain.

An osteopath will consider your specific symptoms, lifestyle factors, and even the types of activities you engaged in during your vacation, to create a focused and effective treatment plan.

This bespoke approach ensures that you receive care that is aligned with your body’s specific recovery requirements, helping you to regain your strength and mobility more efficiently. Best part is to discover not why this happened, but why this happened to you. This is the real key in preventing re-occurrence.  

Osteopathy: A Tool for Long-Term Health Beyond Immediate Recovery

Beyond just addressing immediate physical ailments, osteopathy also offers benefits that can enhance your long-term health. Regular osteopathic sessions can improve posture, increase joint stability, and enhance overall flexibility, which are vital for anyone who loves to travel.

These sessions not only help in the recovery from any current injuries but also prepare your body to handle future stresses, potentially reducing the risk of injury on your next adventure. The key is to identify the most common risks associated with your upcoming holiday & then mitigate them.  

For those who cherish their holiday experiences but dread the aftermath of minor injuries, osteopathy presents a compelling solution. It not only aids in a quick recovery but also enhances your body’s resilience and preparedness for future endeavours. So, as you plan your next cruise or holiday, consider incorporating osteopathy into your routine, ensuring that your travel plans remain as exhilarating as intended, with the added peace of mind that you’re looking after your physical well-being in the most holistic way possible.

This proactive approach to health allows you to fully immerse in the joys of travel, assured that you’re supported by a therapeutic practice that keeps your body aligned, balanced, and ready for whatever comes next on your journey. 


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How Osteopathy Can Help Your Postpartum Pain

How Osteopathy Can Help Your Postpartum Pain

The postpartum period can bring new sensations, aches and pains, and a selfless outlook on life. New mums usually put themselves last, but in fact you should be the priority. Seeking help as soon as discomfort strikes means you can show up for your new baby, family and most importantly yourself. And that’s where we can help – here’s how.

If you, or someone you know, is currently struggling with new or maybe even chronic pain – then osteopathy could be just what you need; especially if you (or they) have recently become a new Mum.

Discomfort after giving birth, or simply feeling “off” following delivery, is not uncommon, and you should listen to those niggles and pains. Not because you have anything to fear, but because we can provide management of any postpartum discomfort. Why prolong any of those aches and pains? 

Your body goes through remarkable changes during the birthing process, and it’s only natural that you’ll need some recovery time to regain full body healing and control. It can take a bit longer to regain your flexibility and sail back to full strength, but our tailored Osteopathic care can help quicken your recovery.  

More Women's Health Blogs

The best part? Our personalised guidance offered by the Focus Osteopathy family is non-invasive and supports your body through this period of change, whilst empowering you to recover and regain the strength and function you are after to achieve your goals.

We help you focus on recovery through treatment, education and specialized forms of exercises, aimed at restoring confidence and balance while addressing and relieving both short-term and long-term discomfort.

We always make sure that our service is individualised for each person, as we feel it is crucial to apply the appropriate exercises that your body would benefit best from. After all, everyone is unique, and therefore each treatment should be tailored per person, too.  

An Introduction to Postpartum Osteopathic Services

Introduction to Postpartum Osteopathic

Bringing a newborn into the world can be amazing, just as it can be overwhelming. Even more so when you consider how your body is recovering from the birthing process. And, just as you are told to take care of yourself during pregnancy to aid your body, the postpartum period deserves the same attention to wellbeing.  

Postpartum is more than just a word that summarises time. The postpartum period can create emotional and physical changes that vary from mother to mother, with some recovering quickly while others deal with prolonged aches and pains.

Appropriate self-care – such as proper hydration, adequate sleep and nutrition as well as gentle exercise – are the foundations for optimal recovery, however your body needs more assistance once you are up and about running after children and wanting to commence higher impact exercise.

As such, osteopathy is fast becoming a popular service throughout the postpartum period. Osteopathic services help to reduce pain, provide education and assist to strengthen muscles, in turn reducing the discomfort created by weakened and overstretched tissue. 

The Focus Osteopathy team will work closely with you to restore your flexibility, address any mobility concerns and provide individualised exercise programs to ensure you can achieve your health goals Concerns over your movement are likely to have stemmed from posture changes impacted by your growing baby, and the subsequent effect on your hips, so don’t panic – it’s all completely manageable.

After a few sessions, you will feel supported and have a plan on the right path for ditching any discomfort. You’ll gain an education on how to prevent other conditions from arising after the birthing process. That may help you out if you plan on having another child.  

How Does Osteopathy Help My Body Recover?

How Does Osteopathy Help My Body Recover?

It’s a well-spoken wonder. Birthing a baby brings emotions that you never knew existed. It’s undeniable that an elated world of heightened joy radiates from each new mother, yet it would be unwise to ignore the toll that everything takes on your body – regardless of C-section or natural delivery.  

Your pelvic floor, lower back and abdominal muscles work double time throughout the pregnancy and birthing process. Those changes to your body can result in individualised discomfort and symptoms, including incontinence and diastasis recti – not to mention those common occurrence of pelvic and back pain.  

Not all forms of discomfort make themselves apparent straight away. After giving birth, new mums often experience a range of physical changes that gradually lead into broadly vague yet uncomfortable health concerns – so please don’t stress if those aches and pains appear some weeks or months after your baby arrives.  

To help your body recover, we apply gentle pressure on specific areas to release tension in your muscles and connecting tissues. As this happens, we also apply gentle strengthening and stretching exercises that softly address areas where strength and flexibility have been affected.  

Postural changes associated with caring for a newborn is another lasting effect that we typically see in our Murumbeena and Mount Waverley clinics. Our exercises can help with that, too, and get you back on form for daily life.  

Make yourself a priority

You know all those spa adverts that scream about ‘taking time for you’? It’s time to listen to them. It’s oh-so-easy to become absorbed in prioritising your newborn child, but it’s imperative to also consider yourself – otherwise, how will you recuperate both emotionally and physically?  

Everything offers an advantage, whether it’s a group class, a series of at-home exercises, or a one-on-one session with an osteopath. However, if you want to recover fully – we’d recommend a combination.  

Osteopathic care can address your balance, strength, mobility and joints, helping you to feel stronger. Mums are famous for being resilient, but you can’t bounce back without taking a step towards self-awareness. Taking painkillers, or waking up with the hope that all niggles or pains have subsided,  won’t provide the best quality of life.  

The Focus Osteopathy team has proudly assisted a generation of new mums to regain their strength, and we cater for the social side throughout this process. If you have questions, then we are here to answer them. The same applies to any worries that you may feel. Talk to us, as we know exactly how you’ll be feeling.  

Of course, there’s also the trouble and disruption of attending any healthcare appointment. There are numerous reasons why we delay seeing a healthcare practitioner. And, let’s face it, sometimes we just don’t want to go.   

Amongst all else that’s going on, attending a medical appointment isn’t exactly the most exciting nor appealing of activities. To possess and retain optimal health, it is crucial to make yourself as much of a priority as your little one.  

This is particularly true when it comes to women’s health issues.  Thanks to the complexity of female physiology, as well as the various reproductive processes that are unique to women, there is significant potential over a woman’s lifetime for niggling health issues to appear throughout the postpartum period and beyond.  

But seeking help doesn’t make you any less of a woman or a mother. By investing in yourself, you are ensuring a brighter future.  

There is nothing to feel embarrassed about

Osteopathy Can Help Your Postpartum Pain

Pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary issues and prolapse concerns are common complaints and worries for post-partum women. It may sound scary, especially when performing a self-diagnosis using Dr. Google, but trust us – it’s a common side effect, and perfectly treatable. Most importantly do not leave these symptoms or concerns unaddressed. There is lots of help out there 

As a new mum, there’s a lot to take in. From feeding and bath time, to development, your mind becomes a busy place. Talk about a learning curve! So, when adjusting to the lifestyle changes brought about by the arrival of your little one, there’s no shame in any form of postpartum health condition. You are human, and humans take time to heal and recover.  

Ignoring urinary leakage or ‘embarrassing’ conditions only causes suffering for one person – and that person is you. Speak with us, rather than opting to suffer in silence. You’d be surprised at how many new mums suffer from discomfort and prolonged issues – all of which could have been quashed long ago.  

The important thing to remember here is that addressing health issues early in the postpartum period helps to prevent conditions from getting worse. With our guidance and knowledge, we can help speed up your recovery and regain your confidence. It’s our service to you – after all, life is a gift, and we don’t want you missing out.  

There’s no need to suffer through aches and pains that put a stop to your daily life, or prevents you from enjoying the best part of motherhood – developing a bond with your newborn child. Sleepless nights should disappear as your child gets older and more self-dependent, rather than continuing because of lower back pain or discomfort. You’d be surprised how quickly you could be back on your feet.  

Reach out to us, and we’ll help guide you through a safe and gentle programme to aid recovering from the birthing process. We’re here to assist you and create a better quality of life, and look forward to welcoming you into our community.  


Don't suffer in silence. Reach out to us.

Start the New Year Pain-Free: How to Relieve Back Pain

Start the New Year Pain-Free: How to Relieve Back Pain

It’s time for change. Far too many of us live with back pain akin to a biological prison sentence – and the suffering is needless. Osteopathy presents a range of treatments that can help manage your persistent back pain, regardless of root cause; whether that turns out to be genetic, stemming from previous trauma or a direct result of lifestyle.

As January ushers in a brand new year, the desire to make positive changes and embrace new beginnings typically radiates stronger than ever. So why not do something about it, before the year suffers from time’s onward march and you’ve spent more months of your life suffering with discomfort?

For anyone who has felt the pangs of back pain, even just for a short while, the agony can quickly become a relentless obstacle, preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest.

It’s time to take action and start the year on a high note, beginning your journey with us; destined to set you free from the shackles of back pain.

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Back pain has a way of infiltrating every aspect of your life in the most personal way. Whether it’s wanting to embark on a fitness journey, striving for a healthier and fitter you, or simply yearning to be more social and mobile, back pain can feel like an uninvited guest that just won’t leave.

It’s not just physical discomfort; it’s the emotional toll of feeling limited and unable to fully engage in the activities that bring you joy. But fear not! There are many options available to you through Focus Osteopathy.

I’m Simon Nawrocki, a physical therapist with expertise in osteopathy, and I’ve made it my mission to help people like you reclaim their lives from the clutches of persistent and debilitating back pain.

I’m sharing three valuable tips on how to relieve back pain, to get you on the right path, and so you can finally escape from its grip and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

#Tip 1: Prioritize Your Posture To Prevent Back Pain

One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to alleviate back pain is by focusing on your posture. Poor posture places unnecessary strain on your spine, leading to discomfort and pain.

Take a moment to think about how many hours you spend hunched over a computer or slouched on the couch. It’s time to make a change!

By maintaining good posture, you can reduce the stress on your spine and improve your overall back health. Start by sitting up straight, shoulders back, and chin up.

Use ergonomic chairs and desks to support your spine when working or studying. Be mindful of your posture when lifting objects, as bending from the hips and knees rather than the back can make a world of difference.

Imagine the freedom of not having to worry about constant back pain, knowing that you’ve taken steps to support your spine and live pain-free.

With better posture, you can finally dive into that fitness journey you’ve been dreaming of, and become more social and mobile without the fear of discomfort holding you back.

Tip 2: Stay Active and Incorporate Gentle Exercises

Inactivity can exacerbate back pain, making it crucial to stay active and incorporate gentle exercises into your daily routine. While it may sound counterintuitive, movement can actually alleviate pain and improve your back’s flexibility and strength.

Consider activities like swimming, yoga, or walking, as they can provide low-impact options to keep your body moving. These exercises help release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which can enhance your overall sense of well-being.

By staying active, you’ll not only relieve back pain but also boost your energy levels and enhance your mood.

Picture yourself going for a scenic walk in the park or enjoying a peaceful yoga session without the constant worry of back pain.

With regular exercise, you’ll be on the path to a healthier and fitter you, ready to seize the opportunities that come your way in 2024.

Tip 3: Seek Expert Help and Discover the Root Cause

While tips for better posture and gentle exercise can help, it’s essential to address the root cause of your back pain. This is where expert help can make all the difference.

Booking a free assessment with a trusted physical therapist like myself is a crucial step toward understanding what’s causing your back pain and how to effectively treat it.

At Focus Osteopathy, we specialize in treating back pain day in and day out. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care that targets the source of your pain.

By identifying the underlying issues, we can create a tailored treatment plan to relieve your pain and prevent it from returning.

Imagine the relief of finally getting answers about your back pain and having a clear path to recovery. It’s a chance for a positive start to 2024, free from the limitations of pain.

Don’t let back pain dictate your year – take control and make the decision to invest in your well-being.

Start the Year Pain-Free – Book a Free Assessment Today!

The new year is all about new beginnings, and there’s no better time to make a change and start fresh. If you’re tired of being held back by back pain, take action now.

By reaching out to us, you’ll have the opportunity to speak to an expert who understands back pain inside and out. We’re here to listen to your concerns, assess your condition, and provide you with the guidance and support you need.

It’s a chance to finally get the answers you’ve been searching for and pave the way for a positive, pain-free start to the new year.

Don’t let back pain rob you of the joy and opportunities that 2024 has to offer. Take the first step towards a pain-free year by booking your free assessment now.

Your journey to a pain-free 2024 begins with a single step. Let us help you take that step, so you can embrace the new year with open arms and a pain-free back. Say goodbye to limitations, and hello to a brighter, happier you!

Don't suffer from back pain in silence. Talk to us.

The Best Advice For Avoiding Back Stiffness During Colder Months

There’s no two ways about it. Back pain can make you miserable. Besides preventing the smooth transition of daily activities and keeping you away from hobbies – such as sports and manual activities – there’s also potential for quality family time to be affected. 

Back pain can easily ruin your plans and turn your work life, commute and personal life into a living, breathing nightmare. 

Not to mention leave you feeling frustrated and distressed. Yet, you aren’t alone. Approximately 4 million Australians experience back pain each year. And it only gets worse when the winter temperatures drop. 

You may think that’s because of the potential to slip and fall when enduring adverse weather, but it’s more about the drop in temperature. As the colder air claws its way across the country, the change in temperature also impacts the air pressure.

The decrease in pressure allows the tissues in your body to expand and subsequently compress your joints. This compression makes it painful to move your joints, and makes it feel like your back is suddenly made of reinforced glass. 

Yet – don’t panic. There’s no reason to suffer in silence. Besides the tips below, we can help you with any back pain niggles that take hold over the colder winter months.

Back pain is manageable, regardless of what the internet tells you. And don’t let those painkillers become an addiction – reach out to us instead

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If you suffer from back pain, you’ll know how hard the winter months can be. Colder temperatures make you feel achy, stiff and often exacerbate your pain.

Often it means that our patients get stuck indoors, don’t get to see family and friends as much and often their condition deteriorates.

But it’s not all doom and gloom!

There are so many easy tips to help avoid back stiffness in colder months and we’ve picked out 5 of our best to share with you so you can eliminate aches and pains in your back to be more comfortable in the cooler weather.

#1 Stay Active Indoors

Understandably, outdoor workouts may not be everyone’s favourite when the temperature drops, but that doesn’t mean you should skip your routine altogether!

In fact, it is crucial to keep moving so that your joints retain their range of motion, keep the pain away, and help you avoid back stiffness.

There are plenty of indoor workout options, such as yoga, pilates, or even a brisk walk around your home. So don’t let the winter weather put a damper on your fitness goals, make sure to stay active and keep your back in tip-top shape.

#2 Take Time To Stretch Out

Stretching your muscles to prepare your body for the day ahead should be something everyone builds into their morning routine!

By taking just 10 minutes to practice exercises such as the child’s pose, rotational stretches or tucking your knees into your chest, you can avoid back stiffness while maintaining good mobility to get you around the house and out to run your errands without pain hindering your plans for the day!

As well as stretching in the morning, it’s also important to stretch at the end of your day before you go to bed in order to relieve tension in your muscles and relax your body in preparation for a good night’s sleep.

#3 Stay Warm

Have you ever wondered why your back pain feels like it worsens in the winter? That’s because it does!

Colder weather can mean your muscles contract and become stiff because you have less blood flow to your muscles. Staying warm during the winter is crucial as it increases blood flow to tight muscles, offering a natural pain reliever (and giving you an excuse to cozy up with a blanket!).

By doing so, you can avoid back stiffness while enjoying the comfort and softness of a good cozy blanket and perhaps even a hot water bottle if you’re really feeling a chill!

So, next time you’re feeling the chill, grab your favourite blanket and let it ease your aches away!

#4 Don’t Stay Still For Too Long!

Avoiding back stiffness due to prolonged sitting or inactivity is an easy way you can help yourself to eliminate back pain and you can start right now!

It may seem like a simple thing, but sitting for too long can have a serious impact on our bodies. In fact, studies have shown that people who sit for long periods of time are at increased risk for everything from obesity to heart disease.

Not to mention that sitting for periods of time can cause stiffness in the back and make it difficult to move around later on.

So, it’s essential that you get up and move around every so often, whether you’re at your desk or lounging on the couch, take a walk around the garden or take part in an activity you love doing!

#5 Maintain A Good Posture

Your posture may seem like something you maintain subconsciously, but often we don’t think about how we stand or sit and unknowingly make back problems worse.

Your posture affects your spine and muscles in many ways, and slouching or sitting for long periods can cause pressure and tension in these areas, making it difficult to move fluidly.

By developing the habit of maintaining a good posture, you can prevent the onset of back stiffness and other pain problems in your neck and shoulders, leading to a happier and more comfortable life doing the things you love without the worry of pain making your life harder.

Remember that small changes to your daily routine can make a big difference, so take the time to evaluate your posture.

So, sit up straight, distribute your weight evenly on both feet, hold your head up high, and keep your shoulders relaxed!

Want Experienced Help To Avoid Back Stiffness? – We Can Help!

Here at Focus Osteopathy, we know how daunting it can be for our patients to take their health into their own hands especially when they’ve been living with the problem for a long time.

However, we’re always here to answer your questions and help you get back to good health and enjoy your hobbies again without pain and discomfort!

So this month, we’re offering you the chance to take the first step to a pain-free future with us by arranging a free back pain assessment. During your free back pain assessment you will be able to speak to one of our resident osteopaths who have years of experience behind them and find out the actual cause of your back pain, and the best treatment options to suit you and your recovery.

If this sounds like the answer to the pain that you’ve been searching for, arrange your free back pain consultation by filling in our simple web form or call our Mount Waverley or Murrumbeena clinic at 1300 003 007 and a member of the team will be happy to help!

Other Free Resources For People With Back Pain 

Why not download our free back pain report to soothe your back pain and stiffness without relying on GPs, painkillers and anti-inflammatories so you can follow these tips from the comfort of your own home?!

Download Your Copy Of Our FREE Back Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – Coccyx Pain – My Tailbone Hurts To Sit 

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Coccyx Pain – My Tailbone Hurts to Sit

 Ouch! Has sitting down become uncomfortable? It could be your coccyx… 

To sit down, to take a seat, to make yourself comfortable, to take the weight off one’s feet – it all sounds so inviting and oh-so-good, until it actually hurts to do so.  If you’ve found yourself saying ‘I’d rather stand thanks’ just a little too often lately, it’s possible you’re dealing with an uncomfortable condition known as coccydynia.  

This term relates to a range of symptoms including tenderness, stiffness and pain, which all stem from the tailbone and have the potential to make sitting a day-to-day nightmare.   

Coccydynia usually manifests itself as a relentless ache within the lower back as well as sharp pains that radiate from the area as you try to stand upright from a seated position or bend forward.  

In some cases, shooting pains are also felt down through the legs as well as around the hips and anus or backside.  For women, the pain of coccydynia can be prominent during intercourse and menstruation. 

Tailbone pain typically lasts a few weeks but, when the issue is not addressed sufficiently, symptoms often last far longer. Coccydynia can therefore become a long-term condition with pain that peaks and troughs in correlation with what’s going on in your lifestyle. 

Despite how prevalent a condition tailbone pain is, many sufferers simply shuffle around in their seats and put up with the ongoing discomfort.  This is partly because of an assumption that lower back pain is an inevitable part of working long hours behind a desk or that aches and pains are simply part of getting older.   

However, if you’re prone to thinking that long-distance travel is only bearable with high-class, squidgy seats beneath you or, better still, you’d ‘rather stand thanks’, coccydynia may be the reason why sitting has become so noticeably uncomfortable. 

What Is The Coccyx And What Does It Do? 

Difference between male and female hips.

The coccyx is a triangular bony structure, composed of three to five small bones that are located together at the base of your spine.  Also known as the tailbone, the coccyx serves as a framework for several pelvic muscles and ligaments to attach themselves to.

In doing so, this provides much-needed stability and support for the contents of the pelvis, including the bowel and urogenital organs, which would otherwise weaken the pelvic floor.   

Additionally, the coccyx possesses the ability to move slightly. Albeit possessing a limited amount of flex, the coccyx can move when the nearby pelvis, hips and legs are in motion as well as during childbirth.   

Although the overall purpose of the coccyx is modest, if all is not well here, the repercussions can be painful for this area is generously populated with nerves.  It is unlikely you will fail to notice an injury to the coccyx. This is particularly true if you are prone to long periods of sitting. 

What Causes Coccydynia? 

Female coccyx pain.

There are numerous causes for coccydynia, some of which bring the condition on suddenly while others gradually lead towards the problem.   

Within our osteopathic clinic, it is generally those who have noticed sudden tailbone pain that we see most often. Primarily, this is because cases of coccydynia that bring on severe pain – which previously didn’t exist – usually result from physical trauma to the lower back. 

This may occur during sport or, most usually, a slip and hard fall onto where the coccyx resides.  Around 50% of coccydynia cases occur thanks to unexpected injury and there’s nothing quite like sudden, sharp pain to encourage a visit to a healthcare specialist. When it is slippery outside, we tend to get busy! These traumatic injuries can include a fracture to the coccyx! 

For women, the possibility of developing coccydynia is up to five times higher than men. Because a woman’s pelvis is broader, the coccyx is more exposed and subsequently more vulnerable to injury. 

Furthermore, the nature of a woman’s pelvic anatomy leads to a natural inclination for more weight to be placed upon the tailbone during sitting, the load of which increases the likelihood of experiencing pain. 

Additionally, a woman’s pelvis endures a great deal of strain during childbirth while both the sacrum and coccyx move during delivery.  This can overstretch the muscles and ligaments attached to the coccyx. Although helpful during childbirth, this can result in postnatal discomfort.   

Other possible causes of coccydynia include natural wear and tear as well as osteoarthritic conditions as we get older, repetitive strain injuries from repeated movements, being either over or underweight, possessing an unusual curvature within the spine (known as scoliosis), infection within the lower back or a cancerous tumour located close to the coccyx.

It is often patients with these additional issues that we do not see as readily in our clinic for it is common for their tailbone pain to develop gradually and thus, mistaken as a nuisance that is simply to be endured. 

Interestingly, many cases of coccydynia are entirely preventable for they simply result from poor ergonomics – like sitting postures or inadequate lifestyle choices.  Long periods of sitting, cheap office furniture, insufficient movement and a lack of strength within the core muscles are all factors that can lead to coccydynia and then keep the resulting pain going, unnecessarily, for years afterwards. 

How Can I Tackle Tailbone Pain? 

What causes coccyx pain?

Many solutions exist for remedying tailbone pain and these are usually dictated by what has initially caused the issue.  

Our first recommendation is to acknowledge the problem and seek an expert diagnosis as soon as possible. You can obtain this either via your doctor or an osteopathic specialist. Ignoring pain, particularly if there is a genuine injury present, can lead to exasperating the issue further as well as prolonging the time that it will take to recover. 

By establishing exactly what is causing your discomfort, you will be able to receive medical guidance and precise treatment that is tailored specifically to you rather than working through several strategies that could prove fruitless and frustrating. 

Osteopathic Solutions For Coccydynia 

Coccyx and hips.

Call us biased but we genuinely believe that an osteopathic approach is the most effective way to rid yourself of troublesome coccydynia.  Not only is osteopathy a hands on specific treatment geared for solving the likes of tailbone pain, it is fully natural and does not require drug-based treatment. 

Avoiding drug-based treatment allows you to side-step recurrent trips to the local pharmacy as well as a whole array of unwanted side effects that are usually offered up by pills.  Impressively, osteopathy has been demonstrated to be more effective, in the long-term, than treatment via corticosteroid injections.   

Not only is an osteopath able to establish the position of both your spine and pelvis, they can also physically assist you to gently realign and therefore counteract the cause of your pain.  

Diagnosis is achieved via  a full medical history and extensive and thorough examination of the whole body – with particular interest around the pelvis, inclusive of the spinal joints, muscles and ligaments that have a relationship and connect to the coccyx .  Not only does this pinpoint how coccydynia has developed, it can also begin reducing the stress on and around the lower back. 

Most osteopathic therapies will then move into soft tissue manipulation, gentle stretches and mobility and fascial release techniques.  For greater healing, your osteopath may also recommend an internal assessment of the pelvic floor muscles and coccyx.  

Combined, osteopathic strategies offer a powerful yet natural solution for solving the irritating pain that results from coccydynia.  Additionally, your osteopath will also be able to offer detailed insight into how the condition developed and therefore how you can prevent a future reoccurrence.  

Are you sitting comfortably?  If not, why not let Focus Osteopathy show you how? 

How does our modern lifestyle affect posture?

Posture in medical terms, is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down.

Derived from Latin positura or posit meaning ‘position’ or ‘placed’.

In today’s world, we have to sit for lengthy periods of time; in traffic, at school desks, at a computer or lap top, using iPads or Smart Phones, in front of a TV, or phone texting (I see people doing this all the time). We also have to consider other stresses to our bodies over time, for example; carrying bags or daily home tasks. Gradually, most of us develop a habit of hunching, slouching or leaning forwards. During these lengthy activities, our bodies have to counteract gravity while fatigue intensifies from our hip area right up to our neck muscles. Upper shoulder muscles then begin to assist, causing pain and imbalances to the whole neck and shoulder region. Try telling this to a teenager!

Take a look at this picture of colleagues discussing work at the lap top, it happens every day.  No problems here?

But have a look at the man’s head – it’s placed well forward of his shoulders.  Also, have a look at the level of his chin – its well below his shoulders.  Thousands, if not millions, of people would do this during the day, every day, without even thinking about it.  In this high-tech world, no wonder people get Neck Pain.

What happens?

Our heads are supported by our necks, which is a very difficult task considering how thin it is in comparison.  Our neck muscles move, stabilise, feel stress, and have the burden of gravity by holding up our head.  Basically, when posture is compromised or traumatised in any way, our necks can feel pain or tension.  Pain is usually felt in the back of the lower neck area and around the front near the clavicles, as well as up very high just under the cranium.

In addition, consider the shoulders coming forwards, usually the right hand controls the mouse, so shoulder flexion with some internal rotation is required.  This may mean tight pectoral and rotator cuff muscles.

What about the hips?  Usually people sit bent forwards, so trunk flexion is a consideration.  Review and palpation of the hip flexor and hip adductor group is part of my general assessment.


Poor Posture + Gravity = Tightness and Pain, then the challenge is to modify your working or social environments combined with self-discipline to help support your posture.

On the bright side, there are things you can do and consider.  During the day, set a quiet alarm to alert you every hour, so you can roll the shoulders around and take stock of your own posture.  Introduce better habits like sitting ‘taller’, walking often, pushing your chin back – it’s easy & practical.

What makes things better?

  • Accurate information and assessment of the neck and shoulder areas in addition to spinal & hip observations
  • Massage Therapy targeting areas from the base of the skull, shoulder blades, down to all back and hip areas if necessary
  • Regular Awareness of your Posture is crucial, together with frequent relaxed neck & shoulder movements
  • Self-management procedures and follow-up treatments are vital to a successful outcome

Be Aware of your POSTURE – YOU are in charge.  Get help Now.

Massage Therapy Increases Movement, Restores Function and Reduces Pain.

Pregnancy back pain from an Osteopath’s view

Pregnancy is such a special experience. There is something to be said about carrying, growing and protecting your little bundle of joy. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling. The pregnancy experience is often described as all joy, love, glowing and happiness, however in reality it can actually turn out to be all nausea, discomfort and pain. Yes it would be wonderful if we all had a pregnancy full of bliss but unfortunately for a large percentage of women this just isn’t how it happens.

For a large portion of pregnant women, we experience varying degrees of back pain. This can range from a low grade ache and discomfort in bed, or on the couch, to discomfort whilst standing, after walking or being on our feet too long. In some instances it is not uncommon to experience severe debilitating pain in which you have to resort to using crouches or a wheel chair or being almost completely house bound.

Whatever the degree of pain you have suffered throughout your pregnancy it certainly puts a “downer” on the whole experience.

So why does it happen?

Firstly, we all know that a women’s body undergoes dramatic changes throughout a pregnancy whilst growing a baby. There are changes that you can see from the outside, changes you can feel on the inside and changes you have no idea that are happening. It is a combination of all these things that can lead to back pain.

Hormonal changes: Some hormonal changes you will feel – you may feel more emotional or have mood swings, your breasts will feel tender, you may feel more hungry, you may feel nauseous, you may need to go to the bathroom more regularly. What you won’t feel is the softening of the ligaments and changes in the soft tissues or muscles which are all attributable to hormones.

Physical changes: You may notice a growing belly, weight gain, larger breasts, swollen hands and feet, your luscious locks of hair. What you may not notice, as it happens so gradually, are the changes in your posture.

As the pregnancy progresses your once good posture starts to fade away to accommodate the growing baby. Your abdominal muscles stretch and are less efficient at contracting, this results in poor alignment and support of the lower back. Your pelvis tilts forward and your back arches. This posture alone means that your once stable lower back and pelvic joints do not function properly and rely more heavily on the surrounding muscles to provide the support and to maintain some sort of posture. For many women their bodies cope with this change and their muscles are able to adapt and provide sufficient support to the joints. However in a number of women their muscles are insufficient and lack the ability to provide the correct support. When this occurs there is significant strain on the joints and this can lead to pain.

Women with existing back or pelvic dysfunction are more likely to develop back pain during pregnancy. Many of the population are unaware they have a back or pelvic problem due to never having symptoms in this region, however the dramatic changes during pregnancy often highlight the problem.

It is common for women that have had a history of prior injury or dysfunction to the lower back or pelvic region will suffer from this type of pain. However injuries to other areas of the body may also contribute to back pain during pregnancy.

The following previous injuries may contribute to pregnancy related back pain;

  • Back strain/injury
  • Hip strain/injury
  • Ankle or knee injury
  • Surgeries to the hip, knee, ankle, back

Unfortunately many women who suffer from back pain during pregnancy become sedentary, thinking that stopping physical activity and resting will help their pain. Although this is the recommended action for some complaints, the vast majority of pregnancy related back pains require the opposite. It is essential to keep those muscles activated and get them working properly to help support the progressing postural changes throughout pregnancy.

The good news is that in most cases, pregnancy related back pain can be treated and managed so that you can enjoy your pregnancy. It is important however to seek the advice of a medical professional and one that is experienced in pregnancy related problems. This may be your obstetrician, osteopath, physiotherapist or chiropractor.

As an Osteopath and a mother, the best advice I can give is DO NOT WAIT to see how it goes. It is unlikely to go away as your body is changing constantly. The earlier you act and address the back pain the quicker you can manage it and prevent it getting worse, so that you can enjoy your pregnancy and remember it being a joyous time!

I have back pain when I wake – what can I do?

It is a common complaint of patients…” I keep waking with pain and stiffness in my back or neck”, “I can’t get comfortable in bed”, “I can’t sleep because my back pain or because my hips hurt”. Our bodies NEED good sleep to rest, recharge and repair. It is important that you do everything you can to make yourself comfortable and ensure the best sleep possible.

5 tips for less back pain and a better night’s sleep

  1. Good mattress – Have a think about how old or “good” your mattress is. Is your mattress sagging, can you feel your or your partner’s imprint, do you and your partner end up rolling to the middle of the mattress or is it 20 years old…If yes, I’d say it’s time to upgrade! You should review you mattress at the very latest every 5 years. And this is a good one – If you have a ‘cheapy’ then they may only last 2 years or less. A good mattress is a worth-while investment. You will be kicking yourself when you have your first good night’s sleep, wishing you invested sooner! Ask your practitioner for recommendations of mattress suppliers.
  2. If a new mattress is out of the question then an alternative is a padded mattress topper – A foam pad that has soft egg-crate contours goes on top of the mattress under the sheets and provides extra cushioning and air circulation.
  3. Get yourself a proper pillow! I can safely say over my years of practice I can count only 2 pillows that were brought in by patients for me to assess that actually gained my tick of approval! 99.5% of pillows people are sleeping on are either too old, too flat, too high, don’t provide any support to the neck and are just plain rubbish! If you feel the need to scrunch, fluff, fold in half, add a second pillow to, have you arm under the pillow (or on top of) or just punch your pillow because your so frustrated – You NEED a NEW pillow! Remember you get what you pay for.A bad pillow may in fact be the major contributor to your neck and back problems. Have your practitioner fit you for a suitable pillow for your body and then look forward to waking with a spring in your step!
  4. Use a knee and ankle pillow – This will help to support your pelvis, hips and lower back by ensuring good alignment whilst lying on your side. It doesn’t take up too much room in the bed. By eliminating additional strain through the hips, pelvis and lower back you will have a much more comfortable sleep.
  5. If you’re a phone, ipad, laptop user or TV watcher whilst in bed you need to STOP or at least limit this. The posture the body is in whilst doing these activities places a lot of strain on the joints and muscles of the body. Followed by then being sedentary in bed, these technologies are common contributors to neck pain, back pain, wrist pain and headaches just to name a few!