Why Blood Sugars are Important for Your Health

The Importance of Maintaining Blood Sugar: Our Body’s Carefully Engineered System. 

Whether you’re diabetic or not, blood sugar levels are surprisingly important in dictating your overall health. 

Sugar isn’t just something you add to your morning coffee.  You’ll also find it throughout your entire circulatory system and within the cells of your body. This is true regardless of whether you’re aware of having consumed sugar or not.   

Blood sugar – also known as blood glucose – exists in the body thanks to it being the primary fuel that powers your day-to-day activities as well as your ability to think clearly.   

Glucose in the blood rises after meals, drinks and snacks and then gradually reduces again as your muscles and metabolic processes in the body use up the supply. 

Blood sugar is incredibly important to our metabolic health and, in non-diabetic individuals, the ebb and flow of blood glucose around the body is carefully monitored and then regulated with numerous hormones.  

Of these, the most important is insulin, which is released by the pancreas. Insulin acts a bit like a key in a door lock, allowing glucose in the blood to cross over from your circulatory system into wherever it is needed.

More Nutritional Articles

Without insulin, circulating glucose simply becomes stuck in the blood while the muscles and other tissues effectively starve. It is much like being sat in front of a moving buffet while being unable to help yourself to anything that’s being served.  This is what happens when someone develops Type 1 diabetes, which effectively cascades their body into nutritional hell until prescribed insulin is injected. 

In Type 2 diabetes, insulin is still made by the body but it is not used as efficiently as it should be, usually causing lesser but still problematic issues with blood glucose.   

You might think that not eating sugary foods will help to keep blood glucose levels down and, to some extent, that is true.  Most of the time, when the body experiences a rush of sugar, it is because we have consumed something rather than insulin simply not being present. 

However, the vast majority of foods – whether we think of them as sweet treats or not – are eventually broken down into glucose and released by the digestive system. Therefore, even while eating healthily, your blood glucose will generally rise. 

In addition, the body is also excellent at storing excess sugar within the liver and muscles so that, even when you’re fasting, a sustained supply of glucose can be released and maintained around the body as needed.  All you need is a little flurry of stress and your blood sugar might become elevated even though you didn’t eat anything. This is helpful in ‘fight or flight’ scenarios but not over the long-term as a consequence of day-to-day life. 

It is a common misconception to think that blood sugar levels are only a concern for those with diabetes and this is simply not true.  While the body in a non-diabetic individual is impressive in its ability to regulate its own fuel supply, an excessive consumption of sugar – with diabetes present or not – is damaging. 

When it comes to the body, balance is key.  The body does not like extreme fluctuations and it works incredibly hard to prevent them.  Even before you eat, there are multiple processes getting underway to ensure that the upcoming influx of sugar from your meal can be managed as a steady stream rather than a large metabolic shock.   

The control of blood glucose is a system that nature has evolved and refined with care because both low and high blood glucose levels are dangerous to health.  

In the absence of diabetes and with a healthy diet being consumed – part of the reason that it’s called a balanced diet – this system works well.   

Similarly, if a person with diabetes aims to eat healthily while also taking appropriate doses of insulin, it is also possible to replicate this natural system and stay well. 

However, modern lifestyles and what we are eating now, is throwing our natural systems into disarray to the extent that even non-diabetic individuals are developing serious health complications because of dysfunctional blood glucose.   

Blood glucose affects almost every process in the body. Consequently, acknowledging this emerging health epidemic and the need to improve our blood glucose levels is absolutely crucial. 

Modern Life Is Bitter Sweet: Excessive Sugar Consumption and the Epidemic of Metabolic Syndrome

In many ways, modern life is slowly killing us. In addition to high levels of stress and the increasingly sedentary nature of day-to-day life, one of the main culprits is sugar.   

While sugar (glucose) is necessary for energy and overall functioning, sugar is also dangerous to the body when the amount consumed is too high.  

Excessive sugar consumption usually results in elevated blood glucose levels and this causes damage all around the body. This can happen even when insulin is present and other metabolic processes remain in place.   

The body has limits and if you consume too much sugar, the natural systems that would otherwise have kept your blood glucose in check become overwhelmed.   

Often, in healthy individuals, the resultant damage doesn’t begin straight away.  You might experience a ‘sugar rush’ if you suddenly eat something particularly sweet or you might feel cranky and tired a short while after but, unless you have diabetes or another serious medical ailment, your body can usually handle the occasional blip. 

However, when the amount of sugar consumed is too high over the long-term, that’s when serious health implications begin to unfold.  Over time, an excessive consumption of sugar leads to some of the biggest killers – coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia.   

In recent years, health professionals have become increasingly concerned by the emergence of a new health epidemic that also happens to be a silent killer.  Referred to as metabolic syndrome, the condition involves the development of several problematic issues in the body.   

These can include obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and insulin resistance. To be diagnosed with the condition requires a minimum of three of these factors being identified.  With each new issue that is found, the danger to health increases and significantly so. 

Worryingly, even if only one issue is found, usually the others are not far behind as these problems are all interlinked. Like a ship that sustains damage and begins to list in the water, one problem will lead to another and, in turn, make the ship sink more and more rapidly.  

For example, if you become obese, it is highly likely you will develop high blood pressure and insulin resistance too.  If you become insulin resistant, gaining weight combined while high triglycerides circling in the blood isn’t far behind.  

In recent years, the number of people who have developed metabolic syndrome is considerable.  Current estimates suggest up to a quarter of the world’s population already has metabolic syndrome, with one in three Americans presenting with the condition. 

A high proportion of those with metabolic syndrome are young adults – a demographic not usually expected to be plagued by markers of the condition. Unless the issues are addressed, most of these young people can already expect to be dogged by serious health problems later in life.   

Insulin resistance is a major contributing factor. Some 46.5% of adults already have insulin resistance and, if they haven’t done so already, are highly likely to develop metabolic syndrome too.   

Both insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome have their roots entangled with excessive sugar consumption.  High stress also adds harmful cortisol to an already dangerous scenario while a lack of physical exercise adds further still to the potent problem.   

Modern life is bitter sweet; it might taste good but metabolic syndrome and its serious health implications combined with stress and a lack of exercise serves as the bitter sting in the tail. This adds significant pressure to already overburdened health systems while unnecessarily reducing our lifespan in the process. 

To counteract this new trend, we must not only acknowledge the importance of blood sugar but work to fight against it and the harmful consequences, such as metabolic syndrome, that come in its wake. 

Excessive Sugar Consumption: How Is It Happening and What Can We Do?

Given the rise of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, do we really have such a sweet tooth thesedays? 

You might think you eat healthily but, chances are, in a modern market dominated by convenience and pre-packaged foods, you may still be eating more sugar than you realise.    

Given the nature of capitalism and the rushed and busy lives we push through, processed foods now make up 20-60% of the average person’s diet.  These often include cereals, baked good and snacks, fizzy drinks and ready meals.   

Processed foods pack a nutritional punch thanks to being loaded with calories, added sugar, unhealthy fats and salt.  All of these ingredients are acceptable in moderation but processed foods push far higher quantities into our diet while delivering little in the way of vitamins and fibre.   

Added sugars are found in a surprising array of food stuffs including goods marketed as low-fat or items that might otherwise be regarded as a savoury or healthy choice.  Many processed foods contain fructose, which may increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease even more than other kinds of sugar. 

While guidelines recommend that men consume no more than 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day while women should aim for less than 6 teaspoons of added sugar, many people eat more than twice that much on a daily basis. 

This may not be a deliberate choice on the part of the consumers. In fact, many people are aware of nutritional principles and sincerely wish to eat healthily but it takes a trained eye to see beyond the deception that many food manufacturers employ. In many cases, what is stated to be healthy is in fact not healthy at all.    

A further pressure post-Covid is the increasing cost of living. There is a well-established link between poverty and obesity. Those on smaller budgets tend to choose cheaper foods and most usually these are ultra-processed items rather than fresh, wholefood alternatives.   

This is an alarming problem as just a 10% increase in ultra-processed food within an individual’s diet can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and conditions such as dementia by up to 12, 13 and 11% respectively.   

Whether it be through a lack of dietary awareness or financial constraints, a high proportion of the global population is accumulating severe health problems as a result of consuming ultra-processed foods and excessive sugar.  Quite simply, our lifestyles have become metabolically unsustainable. 

To fight back requires sound nutritional awareness combined with the ability to spot hidden dangers, particularly in regard to the excessive sugars that may be lurking in our diet.  

By doing this, you can side-step metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance simultaneously, leading to a longer and healthier life in the long-term. 

It's time for change. And we can help.

Relieve Joint Pain Caused By Menopause With Our 3 Tips!

Navigating through menopause can often feel like maneuvering through a maze of physical and emotional challenges. One common obstacle that many women face is joint pain.

Aching joints can drastically reduce quality of life, making everyday activities a struggle. But rest assured, it’s not an insurmountable problem.

In this blog post, we will explore a variety of tips and techniques to help you relieve joint pain caused by menopause.

By understanding the causes and treatments, you can mitigate this discomfort and carry on with your life, unhindered by pain.

Menopause is a natural part of life, and it’s an opportunity for growth and empowerment. You are not alone on this journey, and with these valuable tips, you’ll be fully prepared to embrace the challenges ahead with confidence and grace.

How Does The Menopause Cause Painful Joints?

During menopause, the natural decline of oestrogen levels can have significant effects on your body, including causing joint pain.

Oestrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones and joints, and a drop in this hormone can lead to an increase in inflammation, which in turn can cause joint discomfort and pain. However, there are ways to relieve joint pain during this phase.

Additionally, oestrogen helps regulate fluid levels, and when its levels decrease, it could result in joint stiffness and aching due to less lubrication.

Understanding these hormonal changes can provide a clearer picture of why joint pain can occur during menopause.

Lifestyle factors can also contribute to the onset of joint pain during menopause. As we age, changes in our daily routine, such as a decrease in physical activity and alterations in our diet, can exacerbate menopause-induced joint pain.

Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into our diet and reducing the consumption of processed and fried foods can help alleviate joint inflammation and increase overall comfort.

Similarly, maintaining an active lifestyle can prevent stiffness and aching in joints. Regular physical activity helps keep joints flexible and strengthens the muscles that support them, thus relieving joint pain.

Relieve Joint Pain With Our Top 3 Tips!

Strength Training

Strength training is an effective strategy to relieve joint pain caused by menopause. This type of training involves working against resistance to build and strengthen muscles, which in turn offer enhanced support for the joints.

It’s essential to understand that strength training needs to be initiated gradually, especially if you’re a beginner.

Starting with light weights and slowly increasing intensity can help prevent potential injuries and ensure that you’re comfortably adjusting to the routine.

Incorporating strength training exercises into your regular routine can significantly relieve joint pain by providing your joints with stronger shock-absorbing muscles, reducing the stress on them.

Additionally, it can improve your overall body strength and flexibility, which further helps to relieve joint pain and enhances your general well-being.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Adopting a nutritious diet is an effective way to relieve joint pain associated with menopause. A balanced, wholesome diet not only helps maintain your overall health but can also significantly impact your joint health.

Including anti-inflammatory foods in your daily intake can work wonders in helping to relieve joint pain.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon or flaxseeds, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, like berries and leafy greens, can reduce inflammation and thus help relieve joint pain.

Additionally, spices like turmeric and ginger possess potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve joint pain.

Thus, eating a well-rounded diet, enriched with anti-inflammatory foods, is an excellent strategy to relieve joint pain caused by menopause.


Incorporating a regular stretching routine is another effective method to alleviate joint pain during menopause. Stretching can help increase flexibility, reduce stiffness, and improve the range of motion in your joints.

For instance, gentle yoga poses such as the ‘Child’s Pose’ can stretch and relieve tension in the lower back, hips, thighs, and ankles.

Another beneficial stretch is the ‘Chest Stretch’, which can help combat the forward slump often associated with joint pain and improve posture by stretching the chest and shoulder muscles.

We recommend dedicating at least 20 minutes per day to stretching activities. Consistent practice can help increase joint mobility and decrease discomfort, aiding your journey through menopause with less pain.

Looking For Women’s Health Advice?

Here at Focus Osteopathy, we know it can be a little scary to take your health into your own hands, but that’s why we’re here!

We want to give people like you help with everything from aches and pains to their nutrition and healthy habits so that you can overcome whatever life throws at you and enjoy every single day feeling healthy and happy.

Throughout September we’re offering you the chance to take the first step to a healthier future with a free women’s wellness assessment. During your free women’s wellness assessment, you will be able to speak to one of our resident osteopaths who have years of experience behind them find out where you need some extra support and lend a helping hand.

If this sounds like the answer to the pain that you’ve been searching for, arrange your free women’s wellness assessment by filling in our simple web form or call our Mount Waverley or Murrumbeena clinic at 1300 003 007 and a member of the team will be happy to help!

Other Free Resources For Women’s Health

Are you in the early stages of pregnancy right now? Why not download our free pregnancy-related pain report to get 7 ways to journey through pregnancy including support to empower yourself and your little one to prepare for labour and recover well after birth?

Download Your Copy Of Our FREE  Pregnancy-Related Pain Report Here!

Read Our Blog – What Pelvic Floor Exercises Should I Actually Be Doing?

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Vol1: I’m Stuck In A Dietary Rut.

Ok. It’s time for some blunt and brutal honesty.

I’m not eating correctly. In fact, my staple diet is frightful and I’m ploughing headlong into a future riddled with health problems. There – I’ve said it. But it doesn’t feel good.

Rather than seek help, I’ve been slowly spiralling into a continued regime laced with all the wrong substances – excess salt, excess fat, excess carbohydrates. My weekly sugar consumption could floor a concrete rhinoceros. Chocolate is my addiction. Fried goods are my comfort.

The thing is, I’m not obese, but I’m certainly no athlete. I’m far from lazy, but I don’t burn calories through sports or the gym. My time is spent frantically keeping pace with modern life – lurching between stressful situations at work and a demanding social life, amid the anxiousness fed by contemporary society and the cost of living.

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The exhaustion that seemingly prevents any progress towards fitness and nutritional balance is not a physical one.

It feels like subconscious fatigue in my mental state. Spending far too long at a desk, often bored, and reaching for convenience foods when the short lunch hour takes place, before tackling the manic and lengthy commute home doesn’t fill me with motivation to exercise.

Instead, I’ve got one thing on my mind – and that’s sitting on the couch and resting. That notion feels ironic considering that I’ve been sat down most of the day.

Yet, the couch doesn’t aid any physical weariness, it simply allows my brain to switch down. Almost as though my mind is sparking out and rebooting, I can find myself staring into space for prolonged stretches until my awareness kicks back in. I’m running on empty. I’m catatonic with the wrong carb.

That mental state saps me of the energy that I’d rather utilise for climbing out of a self-inflicted rut. I can trace my current condition back to a failure of commitment. Not to a relationship, but to routine.

Getting home at different hours each day has left me at the mercy of ‘easy wins’ – dinner from a packet that’s far from fresh cuisine. If I don’t turn to the takeaway menus first.

Stuck in a nutritional rut

Plate of poor diet foods - burger, pizza, fatty products - on a purple background.

When I eat, I typically get into a frenzy. I don’t really look at what I’m eating. I open the cupboard after a carb-heavy dinner and it’s just next, next, next.

My brain fog sends me in search of sugar and carbodhyrates, and even though I purposefully place fruit within easy reach, I automatically bypass the good stuff in favour of brain-appealing crap.

When I’m left alone, my calorie consumption goes through the roof. I swear that my late dinners and midnight snacking cause my poor sleeping habits, and when I wake up tired and feeling rough, I turn straight to sugary cereal for sustenance.

It feels good at the time, but that’s my addiction being fed – not my body. I don’t believe that my stomach gurgles because it’s happy. I honestly feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

Even then, when I’m beyond stressed and my appetite dwindles, I use coffee and sugary drinks as a substitute for food. I know it’s unhealthy and I shouldn’t be eating the way I do, and it absolutely plays on my mind, but there’s a series of mental hurdles that seems to prevent any form of positive change.

And as I’ve learned, the problem remains the comfort food that I depend on. My addiction to sugar, and my mental state, keep me stuck in this never-ending cycle of tiredness, stress, lack of exercise and an appalling diet. My portion control and choice of meal have also worsened following a family bereavement; trying to stay strong as support for others absolutely heightened my reliance on comfort eating.

I need help, which has led me to the doors of Focus Osteopathy and their functional nutrition. I’ve agreed to document my journey with their nutritional guidance to demonstrate how life can be regained by eating correctly – even if it may prove difficult to kick the habits of a lifetime.

It's time for change

Man eating a large burger devoid of nutrition and goodness

But you know what? I’m ready for the challenge.

I don’t want to watch my life pass by, yearning for a better quality of existence. I need to grab control. I’d kill to feel more human, rather than simply existing from day to day, surviving on ill-formed concepts of food and staggering around almost hollow-eyed with exhaustion.

Speaking with the team at Focus felt more like a therapy session. There was no judgement when I explained about my secret eating, or how opening the fridge feels like meeting a friend, or how I snack out of frustration and apathy. Or how I steer clear of healthier options when eating out – I know I should, but my worry that I won’t feel satisfied always means I order a burger or a pizza.

Instead, I received heartfelt compassion. My one-on-one with Focus Osteopathy’s dietary nutritionist opened my eyes to how I’m starving my body of what it really needs, and helped me to understand where my eating choices are coming from. I wasn’t patronised by an ‘eat less, move more’ mantra.

The team knows that it’s more complex than that. It was refreshing to find professionals who grasped the mental health aspect of a nutritional deficit.

It’s all manageable if I commit to a regime change, and as I’m going to showcase, eating the right things apparently doesn’t mean I have to skimp on taste. I don’t have to eat gruel and snack on grass clippings.

So here goes. I’m going to be following personalised dietary advice and trying to regain control. I’m not sticking my head in the sand and pretending that this will feel easy.

I am braced for days when I return to my comforts and suffer the subsequent guilt trip. I won’t be going cold turkey on the sugar, salt or fat; as that’s also dangerous to swing completely in the opposite direction.

It’s not about punishing yourself, as I’ve been told. It’s about creating a staple diet that provides healthy doses of what your body requires to be fit and healthy.

And if I can do it, I’m pretty sure you can, too. My journey starts here, and I’d like you to join me – courtesy of the support and knowledge bestowed upon me by the team at Focus.

Finally, don’t think this is fictional. I’m very much real. I’m Scottish, in my early 30s, and you can find out more about me through my social media profiles. And, yes, that is me in the picture above – not during my finest moment! 

My first report won’t be long in the making. Watch this space… 

All About Rotator Cuff Tears

It’s an interesting set of words, isn’t it? ‘Rotator Cuff’ sounds like an incoming source of car repair, rather than a legitimate health concern – let alone something that can impact your daily life.

Such a comparison provides food for thought, though. Just like a vehicle requires all joints and components to work in harmony, so does your body. It’s the very same scenario. And nothing proves that point more than a rotator cuff tear.

When you’ve damaged that crucial component, everyday essentials – washing your hair, driving to work, reaching up for the secret stash of chocolates (we won’t tell if you share them with us…) – can become difficult and painful.

More Blogs From Focus Osteopathy

  • Been feeling niggles in your shoulder that have worsened lately?
  • Struggling to adjust your shoulder without feeling that something is wrong?
  • Felt an injury in your shoulder but been sticking your head in the sand?
  • Hoping that the pain might magically go away by itself?

It’s time to face some facts and get the help you need. We’ve got some information that may help get you on the track to recovery.

Or, better yet, why not speak to us and take a step closer to recovery?

Educate me – what is a rotator cuff tear?

Diagram of rotator cuff muscles of the upper shoulder

Ok, when we say that you’ve potentially torn your rotator cuff, we are referring to one of the four tendons that make up the mechanisms of your upper shoulder; the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.

And here’s where it gets confusing – that pain or niggling drum of discomfort from your shoulder doesn’t necessarily stem from torn muscles, but rather from inflammation.

If you damage the muscles in your rotator cuff, inflammation commonly starts in the supraspinatus (the smallest of the rotator cuff muscles, located in the upper part of your back), as that’s usually the first one to tear.

That being said – any of the tendons can tear, depending on your fitness level and sporting activity, and create a miserable chain reaction. As time wears on, that tear and subsequent inflammation create enough irritation and tenderness to turn daily life into an outright chore.

A rotator cuff tear can go one step further when muscles separate from their connection point. Should any of the tendons detach from the humerus (upper arm bone), you will certainly know about it – it will be both painful and debilitating.

What does the Rotator Cuff actually do?

The tendons of the cuff work together to rotate your shoulder and stabilise the joint. When lifting your arm above your head (so you can reach for those hidden chocolates that you’ll definitely share with us), you employ all four tendons – as soon as one set of tendons becomes damaged, you’re almost incapacitated, a bit like a burst tyre on your car.

All four need to be functional to ensure efficient movement, but one thing we’ll point out right now – don’t panic if this situation relates to you! There are thousands of people out there hurting from rotator cuff pain, but you’ve got an advantage over other sufferers – you’ve landed on our website, and we can help you.

There’s no need to suffer in silence as treatment is well established. After all, a rotator cuff tear is a very common injury, particularly among the elderly and those who partake in contact sports or engage in manual labour (warehouse workers, farmers, carpenters, painters etc).

Gym addicts and those who love to do pull-ups or lift weights over their heads are at risk, too. All it takes is one jerk movement to tear a tendon in the rotator cuff and you’ll be out of action. It happens all the time.

The main thing to remember is this: it’s entirely treatable, without becoming dependent on painkillers or having to undergo surgery. Surgery is only recommended under the most extreme circumstances – so, park that fear and read on.

Signs and symptoms

Alright. Let’s get one thing straight – there’s a host of signs and symptoms relating to tears in the rotator cuff, so don’t try to diagnose yourself using Dr.Google; you’ll likely convince yourself that an exotic flesh-eating disease has taken hold, where survival rate starts with a decimal point.

Instead, briefly ask yourself:

Is the pain a dull ache around the outside of your shoulder?
Does the pain worsen when you push, pull, or lift your arm?
Does lying on the affected shoulder hurt?
Or can you simply not push, pull, or lift your arm?

Weakness is the main giveaway of the condition, and crepitus (a tingly crackling sensation when you move your shoulder) can be a clear-cut symptom, too.

What we would ask (other than sharing those chocolates) is not to ignore the symptoms mentioned. It may be tempting to push on through the pain, especially when playing professional sports or continuing with your work shifts, but small tears only get bigger if you keep subjecting damaged tendons to sustained pressure.

And that means that recovery time will become prolonged, and the pain will only increase.

How to recover from rotator cuff tears

Man receiving shoulder massage for rotator cuff pain

Here’s the good news. Providing that you haven’t completely torn your tendon (and you would certainly know if you did, as the pain would be worse than an omnibus of Home & Away), ligaments and tendons can heal and strengthen over time with guided assistance from an osteopath.

Here’s the less-good news. Ligaments and tendons respond more slowly to exercise than your muscles. This is one reason why returning to exercise following a restful recovery ensures ligament damage is more likely – your muscles bounce back and you feel strong, but the soft tissues connecting the muscles and bones need a little longer to get there.

It may sound like common sense when looking from the outside, but the first step to reducing aggravation is stopping (or heavily reducing) the activity that’s punishing your shoulder. No shocks with that tactic, right?

That’s where you are wrong. After resting and recovering, the biggest attraction for active individuals undoubtedly revolves around a return to form. Eager minds are desperate to get back to normal – and often return straight back to square one.

Our advice will sound irksome and impractical, and we totally understand how that will resonate with you, but further damage to your shoulder will only make recovery longer and cast further damage into your tendons and rotator cuff. Pushing on will result in short-term gain for long-term pain.

Try to work around your recovery.

Is there a way to alternate your overhead work with other tasks?
Can you discuss the matter with your manager and arrange for less burdensome manoeuvres?
Would it be possible to rearrange the house slightly and keep everything within each, where safe?
Can you not bring us those chocolates for safekeeping?  

We’ve found that many of our patients in both our Murrumbeena osteopathy clinic and Mount Waverly osteopathy clinic work with us to discover solutions that work for them, following our consultation and guidance. Our staff are always on hand to help brainstorm solutions if you’re stumped.

How osteopathy can help that rotator cuff injury

Our approach typically involves manual manipulation and carefully-applied massage techniques that coax your tendons towards a healthy recovery. If the injury is deep-rooted or severe, then other in-house methods that will aid your recuperation are available – such as dry-needling (there’s nothing to be fearful of, don’t let the treatment name scare you!)

Your osteopath can also advise you on exercises and routines to avoid during the first stages of recovery, and craft a bespoke plan to help get your rotator cuff functional as soon as possible. We’ll then be on hand to manage your full recovery and help prevent recurring pain from returning in future.

Just as you would send your car in for a service, or a check-up following the replacement of a bearing or ball joint, you need to take care of your body to keep everything reliable and in good shape.

When it comes to your rotator cuff, you need to make sure that you don’t cut corners to quicken your recovery. You wouldn’t rush a head gasket job on the engine of your vehicle, so why should you try to do that with your shoulder?

As we’ve already mentioned, don’t become dependent on painkillers. They only mask the problem and won’t solve the issue. Also, try not to befriend Dr.Google in the hope that a miracle solution is out there, preached by an influencer with a username that sounds more like a password combination than a human name.

Keyboard warriors masquerading as medical professionals can spout some convincing stuff, but proposed exercises on forums and blogs can actually make everything worse. It’s seriously not worth the aggro.

It can all sound a bit murky and confusing, but that’s where we can help. If you have questions, then reach out to us using the form below.

And, if you bring those chocolates along to share, who knows what world of special VIP treatment awaits you? Only one way to find out!

P.S – we like the caramel ones…

Get Help For Your Rotator Cuff Pain

Pregnancy: Dealing With Back Pain When Sleeping

Have you got back pain keeping you awake at night? Pain in your lower back preventing you from enjoying the blossom of your pregnancy? 

This is a very common problem. You are not alone, so don’t panic. 

For the majority of women in pregnancy, back pain etches inwards during the mid-point of pregnancy (between the five-month and seven-month mark). That’s not just a guess on our part, though. There is a reason why back pain occurs at this time. 

Throughout these months, the uterus changes position from the pelvic area to the abdomen; this increases the stress upon both the mid and lower back. 

Consequently, your spine’s normal position is altered courtesy of the changes your ‘bump’ goes through. As the bump pushes up into your belly, the rising pressure affects the vertebrae in your back. 

More Pregnancy Blogs From Focus Osteopathy
How To Strengthen The Pelvic Floor
Why Does My Hip Pain Linger After Pregnancy?
How Pregnancy Can Cause Knee Pain And Back Pain

As this pressure pushes against the components of your spine, pain begins to build. Sadly, this pain doesn’t disappear when you try to gain some sleep. If the pain builds up enough, you’ll be locked in a constant battle for relief until the morning sun summons birdsong. 

That’s not what you want to hear. I get it. But there is hope, so don’t panic! 

Do you want some good news? There are many ways to relieve (or even prevent) pain. And not only that, but you can also build your back muscles up to be stronger – even while pregnant! 

So, it’s official. You don’t have to endure back pain and subsequent sleepless nights during your pregnancy. There is no need to endure the discomfort, face the sleep-deprived day, or grimace through until the day arrives and you give birth. 

But how do you go about building your back strength, and vanquishing back pain for a restful sleep? 

You need an Osteopath! And that’s where we can help. 

We can help you get good restful sleep, and help you avoid walking around holding your back and staying home, laid up in front of the television for the next few months. 

By working with us, you’ll thrive! You’ll be able to continue exercising where appropriate, get out and about, and enjoy the precious time carrying your baby. But without the crushing fatigue that comes with not sleeping properly. 

Let’s dig a bit deeper into how we can help. 

Treat Pregnancy Back Pain By Visiting An Osteopath 

Perhaps the most effective way to deal with back pain (especially during the early stages of pregnancy) is Osteopathic treatment. At Focus Osteopathy, we help Mums-to-be with correct posture and other elements that contribute to back pain. 

We also take time to teach pregnant mothers a range of exercises that they can undertake and practice at home, in order to prevent pregnancy-related back pain. 

We also practise techniques largely unique to osteopathic treatments. These treatments manipulate your joints and muscles to alleviate the pressure and stress that’s building up against your spinal column and subsequent nerves; the leading cause of pregnancy back pain and sleepless nights. 

So what could these manipulations mean? It’s nothing to worry about. We aren’t going to reshape your body with painful or forceful actions. Instead, we’ll guide you on how to sit properly, lie back correctly, sleep soundly, and walk while pregnant without applying any of that negative pressure on your back. 

Osteopaths at Focus Osteopathy will also walk you through a range of gentle stretching movements that will build strength and make your joints more supple. 

You can book a session with us through this link. However, is there anything you can do in the meantime to help with back pain?

Of course there is. So let’s take a look at a few ‘home remedies’. Even if the first one sounds impossible.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sounds pretty good right now, doesn’t it? However, we remain aware that getting a good night’s sleep while pregnant can be incredibly challenging. 

One of the main reasons for this comes from the extra weight that your body has to deal with. This weight, which is more pronounced when you sleep on your side, places itself on your spinal cord and creates serious discomfort. 

You can help yourself by grabbing hold of a thick towel and placing it, folded lengthwise, at a right angle to your waist. 

This extra support helps to relieve the strain on your back and pelvic region. You can also use a pillow and place it between your knees when lying on your side; again reducing the pressure on your back. 

Furthermore, when pregnant, you should avoid sleeping on your back, because it is not helpful for you or your baby. 

Why? In the latter stages of your pregnancy (the third trimester), sleeping on your back can reduce your baby’s vital blood and oxygen flow. To give your unborn child the best chance, you want to keep this blood and oxygen flow as healthy as possible. 

So, instead of sleeping on your back, get yourself a firm support mattress and utilize pillows as props to sleep on either your right or left side. 

You can also try to introduce a ‘sleep routine’ that works for you. For example, don’t eat in the two-hour run-up to bedtime. This helps to prevent digestive discomfort that might otherwise keep you awake. 

Pilates & Yoga 

Contrary to belief, yoga and pilates are not solely for the rich and famous. You are not ‘excluded’ from these activities just because your Instagram account hasn’t become festooned with millions of followers. 

Rather, yoga and pilates have a legion of ardent followers from all spheres of life, and these followers practice for good reason, too. It’s a great form of exercise for staying fit and healthy throughout pregnancy. 

Not to mention how pilates and yoga can prepare your body for childbirth, and prevent pregnancy-related aches and pains. 

We would recommend what is known as ‘Prenatal Yoga’. This form of yoga helps the muscles, joints, ligaments, and nerves that help form your posture. Besides strengthening your body, prenatal yoga also benefits your mental health by relieving stress and engaging with deep breathing techniques that relax the body. 

All of this should certainly help in gaining a peaceful sleep. It also calms the nervous system, and helps to reduce some of the natural anxieties that sometimes accompany pregnancy. 

Like prenatal yoga, prenatal pilates is a gentle and pregnancy-friendly form of exercise. Using a sequence of movements to improve balance and then strengthen the ‘core’ muscles, Pilates is more regimented when compared to free-flowing yoga. 

However, in being more regimented, pilates remains (arguably) a more effective method for strengthening and elongating muscles and preventing pregnancy back pain. 

Wear A Maternity Belt

Ever heard of a maternity belt? These have proven effective in relieving pain for pregnant women. Especially those going through the final stages of pregnancy and feeling too tired and worn out to undertake a yoga or pilates session. 

The maternity belt remains one of the easiest ways to relieve and support your back when pregnant, and supports your belly while standing, going about your daily activities, walking, and generally moving around. 

Wearing a maternity belt helps compensate for weaker core muscles, too. 

Opt For Proper Footwear 

We get it. It’s tempting to try and stay up-to-date with fashions, or try to outdo the neighbours, but we wouldn’t recommend it. Your body is going through a range of changes, and high-heeled shoes are not going to help with your back pain. 

These cat-walk-inspired shoes will increase the curvature of your spine and place extra pressure on your back. Pain will be inbound before you’ve taken more than a few steps. 

Also, as you have to live with increasing pregnancy weight, unsensible shoes can increase your chances of a fall, which can risk your baby. 

However, we also don’t recommend wearing entirely flat shoes, either. Flat shoes provide very little support in the arch area of the foot, and causes an uneven distribution of body weight. 

Once again, you guessed it, this uneven distribution can strain the lower back. Not to mention related ankle and foot pain. 

So, what do you look for exactly? Look for footwear with built-in stability for the arch of your foot, and also your ankle. Heels need to be not too high, but also not too flat. 

Trying shoes on and feeling pressure in your back as you try to walk? Put them back. They are not the best shoes for you! 

It’s Time To Speak With Us 

If you have back pain during pregnancy, we recommend you book an appointment with us. We can help you find and treat the root cause of your back pain, and prevent problems further down the line in your pregnancy. 

We don’t just generalize your condition. We take the time to get to know you, and ensure that your treatment is bespoke to your situation. After all, what works for some people may not work for you.

You can contact us through our contact page.

Don’t suffer in silence. It’s time to get you back to health! 

Why Does My Hip Pain Linger After Pregnancy

Are you still struggling with hip pain after delivering your baby weeks, months, or decades ago?

Well, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Postpartum joint pain is widespread among women after childbirth.

In pregnancy, reports suggest that up to 25% of women experience serious pain– with 8% reporting severe disability. But many women suffer from disabling hip and joint pain long after giving birth to their babies.

These post-delivery joint pains may be pains that start during your pregnancy or new pains that begin during or shortly after the birth. The pains also manifest in several different ways.

From hip pain and pelvic girdle pain caused by the pregnancy and/or the delivery. Pain in the finger joints due to increased fluid retention or knee pain that occurs because your knees support the additional weight of your baby.
But the most common cause of pre and postpartum joint pain is hip pain, which develops during the pregnancy and can continue for weeks or months after the delivery.

Postpartum hip pain can become chronic and long-lasting in rare cases (without proper treatment). 

All these complaints are likely due to inflammation and physical changes during pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum. They can also occur due to hormonal changes. 

More Blogs From Focus Osteopathy
How Pregnancy Can Cause Knee And Back Pain
When your shoulder is really a pain in the neck…
How does our modern lifestyle affect posture?

What Are The Symptoms Of Hip Pain After Pregnancy?

What Are The Symptoms Of Hip Pain After Pregnancy?

Medically, we refer to pain around the area that we call our “hips” – as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) because it usually affects the pelvic joints.

Pain patterns tend to differ between women, but the main symptoms of PGP are:

  • Your hips feel “loose” – sometimes, this might feel like all the muscles around the hips are stiff and tight, but your pelvis feels unstable. 
  • Intense pain in the hips, deep inside your pubic region, your legs, lower back, or butt. 
  • A loud popping sound when you move your hips
  • Pain that radiates over the lower back
  • Pain that worsens with activity 

Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to deal with the pain. Still, longer-term physical therapy, specifically in the form of osteopathy and therapeutic exercise, is recommended to treat the root cause, strengthen the weakened pelvic floor muscles, and lessen the pain – without resorting to pain pills

What Causes Hip Pain After Pregnancy?

What Causes Hip Pain After Pregnancy?

There isn’t one main reason why hip or pelvic girdle pain occurs during and after pregnancy.

Still, in most cases, the cause usually relates to how pregnancy results in changes to the body’s posture, ligaments, muscles and support structures.

Why? Because the hormones our bodies release during pregnancy stretch specific ligaments and tendons, which can cause pelvic girdle pain and pain in the hips.

The pelvic girdle plays a pivotal role in connecting your upper and lower body. Hence, there is pressure and stress on the hips and pelvic girdle every time you move.

In addition, numerous muscles are running through or connecting to the hips and pelvic girdle.

These include the psoas, the hamstrings, the glutes, and your all-important pelvic floor muscles.

As a result, many things can go wrong and cause pain in the “hip” area – especially when everything is extra stretchy and flexible. 

Interestingly, hormones can also affect our pain regulation, so your perception of the intensity of the pain may be greater than before you got pregnant. 

But what causes the pain?

Well, the precise cause of PGP and hip pain after pregnancy is different for everyone, so you need to book in for a complete evaluation.

But for information purposes, here are causes of “hip” pain that may linger after pregnancy:

  • Piriformis syndrome: This painful syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle close to the buttocks gets spasms, leading to pain.
    In some cases, piriformis syndrome can also irritate the sciatic nerve and cause it to flare up, leading to sciatica – during and after pregnancy.
    Sciatica causes nerve pain in the leg, hip, and lower back. However, with physical therapy, most women can successfully manage the symptoms of piriformis syndrome and/or sciatica and relieve the pain without pain pills. 
  • Labral tears: This issue is common during labour and childbirth – when the labrum (cartilage) inside the hip socket suffers damage and tears.
    But if this were the cause of your hip pain, you would probably know about it at the time because the pain can be excruciating and make walking difficult.
    However, doctors can miss small tears, so we recommend you get an evaluation of your hips to check whether this is the case for you. 
  • Arthritis: Certainly, with osteoarthritis, pregnancy is unlikely to be the cause of arthritis, but unfortunately, in some cases, pregnancy is the catalyst for a flare-up of arthritic symptoms that alert you and your doctor to this underlying medical condition.
    But osteoarthritis is more common in older postmenopausal women, so this is unlikely to be the case for you.
    However, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, some women develop this condition after giving birth because the immune system begins to attack joint tissues. But this is rare.
    Both types of arthritis are chronic, lifelong conditions. Still, osteopathy and physical therapy can reduce the intensity of the symptoms and prevent further progression. 
  • Pelvic bone problems: As your baby moves through the birth canal, they can bruise or fracture your pelvic bones and cause pain that lingers after pregnancy.
    Especially if labour is fast, pain from bruising will subside in most cases, but you may need an X-ray to check for fractures if it continues.  
  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction refers to the pain that occurs when your left and right pelvic bones move and separate to accommodate your growing baby.
    This type of pain is primarily felt in pregnancy. It should go away after pregnancy, but you may feel additional pain. At the same time, your bones move back to their pre-pregnancy position. 
  • Hyperthyroidism: In most cases, hyperthyroidism is unlikely to be the cause of your hip pain, but due to the increased demand for your thyroid gland, many women do suffer from hyperthyroidism when pregnant.
    This condition occurs when the thyroid gland secretes excessive hormones. In many cases, this secretion is due to an underlying condition called Grave’s Disease.
    But for the one in four women that develop this condition for the first time during pregnancy, the symptoms can get more severe after delivery. In addition, during and after pregnancy, women who suffer from hyperthyroidism during and after pregnancy can sometimes develop thyrotoxic myopathy.
    This disorder can impact the pelvic girdle leading to pain in the area. But the good news is that your doctor can run tests to determine whether you have this condition.
    They can also prescribe antithyroid medicines to help you maintain normal thyroid levels and alleviate joint pain symptoms. 

How To Reduce Hip Pain After Pregnancy 

How To Reduce Hip Pain After Pregnancy 

There are many causes of hip and joint pain after giving birth. While some are common and not too serious, others might pose health issues and require treatment.

If your joint pain continues more than a month after the pregnancy or the pain increases, it is essential to consult a doctor, osteopath, or physical therapist. 

At Focus Osteopathy, we are highly experienced in pregnancy and postnatal pain and recovery and we can support you throughout your pregnancy journey.

Pregnancy can take a toll on your body, especially if you’re ill-prepared and don’t have osteopathy or physical therapy to prepare for the birth.

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix. But you can recover much faster when you know the root cause of your pain and have a natural recovery plan tailored to your specific set of symptoms.

We get to the core of your postpartum pain and help you feel better quickly. Book your free consultation now. 

If your hip pain after pregnancy is mild, there are some ways you can treat the pain at home. For example, if you have pain in your lower back, you can try alternating hot/cold compressed to relieve the pain.

However, we know that hip pain can often result from poor posture or an incorrect gait (walking pattern) that places stress on your hip joints and leads to pain, which we can help you with at the clinic.

But here are a few ways you can prevent hip pain at home:

  • Do stretching exercises (preferable exercises provided by us)
  • Eat well and increase your intake of lean protein, fresh vegetables, and fruit
  • Reduce your caffeine intake
  • Do daily exercise to strengthen weak muscles (preferable exercises provided by us: walking, Pilates, Yoga – or resistance training if you’re cleared to)
  • Wear the right kind of footwear 
  • Maintain a healthy weight 
  • Make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin D
  • Lead a physically active lifestyle 

However, even if your pain is mild, we would still recommend that you book a consultation to check that nothing is going on that might get worse with time. 

It’s Time To Take Action

It's Time To Take Action

Hip pain is common and you shouldn’t have to suffer in silence.

Reaching out is the first part of the recovery process.

If any of this sounds familiar to you don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We know that we can help you set up a personalized recovery plan.

How Pregnancy Can Cause Knee And Back Pain

Are you pregnant now or planning to start a family soon?

If that’s you, your girlfriends have probably already told you in no uncertain terms to expect a variety of different aches and pains during your pregnancy. It’s par for the course, right?

These pregnancy-related pains tend to pop up all over the body. Sometimes, even without an apparent reason. Like pain in your fingers or toes or the back of your head.

But the pain in the knee joints and the lower back are among the most common kinds of pain for most Mums-to-be. That’s why we often see pregnant women stereotypically depicted shuffling along slowly and grimacing with one hand holding their back. But it doesn’t have to be like that. 

Pregnancy-related joint pain can begin at any stage of your pregnancy from as early as 6-8 weeks and in virtually any joint in the body. However, pain in particular parts of the body – like the lower back and pelvis – are the most common as the pregnancy progresses past the 12-week mark and into the second and third trimester.

In our experience, most of the aches and pains during pregnancy are mild. Still, for some women, the pain can be debilitating. For these women, it’s tough. The pain can stop you from sleeping through the night and affect your quality of life and enjoyment of your pregnancy. Sadly, pregnancy and the postnatal period can be the opposite of “blossoming” for many women.  

Does that sound like you? 

The areas we see that are most affected by joint pain during pregnancy are: 

  • Pelvic region: You may feel pain around the pelvic area. Including the hips, tailbone and pubic symphysis region – the centre of the pubic bone, and the lower back. If left untreated, these pains can lead to the development of pelvic girdle pain and or a condition that causes pain at the front of your pelvis, called “Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or (SPD)”.
  • Lumbar or lower back: Lumbar or lower back pain in pregnancy is triggered by the softening of the pelvic-area ligaments and the change in your spinal posture/curves as the baby grows
  • Sacroiliac joint: The joints known as SI (sacroiliac) joints are the part of your body where the ilium and sacrum connect, the area between the pelvis and the tail bone. The SI joints are crucial in bearing the additional weight of your baby (although tiny in most cases but large in relation to what your body is used to carrying) and its distribution on the pelvis.  
  • Knee joint: Many women experience knee joint pain during pregnancy due to carrying around the additional weight of the baby, which puts continuous strain on the knees. Knee pain is more likely to occur during pregnancy if you have a pre-existing knee condition or old injury. However, it can also happen spontaneously during pregnancy due to hormone-related ligament changes and postural changes that occur during pregnancy.

The cause of joint pain in pregnancy can be due to many different factors such as: 

  • The shift in posture that happens naturally during pregnancy 
  • An increase in weight in the lower parts of the body 
  • The relaxation of ligaments occurs due to the hormone “relaxin.” 

But the most common reasons for pregnancy-related joint pain that we see in the clinic are:

  • Expanding uterus: As your pregnancy progresses, your womb (uterus) begins to grow and develop, too, which causes your centre of gravity to shift, weakening and stretching your abdominal muscles. Because of this centre of gravity change, it puts additional stress on your lower back, which can lead to pain.  
  • Hormones: In pregnant women, the leading cause of softening joint ligaments and associated pain is the release of the pregnancy-related hormones progesterone and relaxin. Our bodies release the latter of the two, relaxin, to allow the pelvic ligaments to become loose and the pelvic girdle to move. This repositioning enables the baby can move more easily through the birth canal. However, this reduces the regular stability of the joints in the hips and pelvis and can make them feel “loose”. As a result, you may also feel lower back pain because of the release of this hormone. It helps the pelvis stretch and the SI joint to become more flexible to accommodate your baby. 
  • Postural issues: Changes in your posture occur naturally in pregnancy because of the extra weight you carry towards the front of the body. This change, along with the baby’s continual growth, causes a redistribute of weight in the belly region, which can trigger pain in the lower back and hips. In addition, even after pregnancy, continually carrying your new baby/toddler on your hip can affect your posture and cause lower back and hip pain. 
  • Increase in weight: Due to the hormonal changes, increased blood volume, growing baby, placenta, reduced activity levels and sometimes the unavoidable “cravings” and eating to beat morning sickness, we don’t just gain weight in the belly area during pregnancy. We also gain it in other areas of the body. Second, to the belly, most of us see weight gain around the hips, which increases stress on the joints and bones around the hips, knees and pelvis and can lead to joint pain.

The less common cause of joint pain during pregnancy:

One of the more severe but uncommon causes of joint pain during pregnancy is “Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction”. It can be intensely painful and cause issues with walking. 

How To Alleviate Joint Pain In Pregnancy

While joint pain in pregnancy can be intense and painful, there are many ways to relieve the pain:

  • Physical therapy/ exercise: Gentle movement and exercises during pregnancy can help strengthen the muscles and help to reduce pain in the joints. However, you must check with your doctor first and consult a professional oestopath specialising in pre and postnatal care. They can provide pain relief with manual treatment and they can guide you through appropriate exercises, especially if you have joint pain. You can also try swimming, prenatal Pilates, and Yoga with your doctor’s approval. 
  • Consider a massage: In some cases, opting for a prenatal massage with a trained prenatal massage therapist can be beneficial in reducing tension in the muscles and reducing aches and joint pain. 
  • Use hot packs on the affected area: Hot packs, heating pads, or a hot water bottle can help relieve pain if you have joint pain. Some women like to talk a warm bath too to help relax the muscles and reduce pain. However, always take care to avoid direct heat on your bump.
  • Belly band: If you’re in the second or third trimester of your pregnancy, you may want to try using a “belly band” for extra support. These bands can help relieve the ligament pain and pain in the lower back region that is so common in pregnancy. In addition, belly bands can alleviate round ligament pain due to the uterus stretching.
  • Improve posture: If you try to improve your posture while sitting, standing, and walking around, it can pay dividends in reducing joint pain during pregnancy by reducing the strain on your joints. This improvement doesn’t just mean sitting on standing up straight. You can also improve your pregnancy posture by building strength and flexibility in the joints and surrounding ligaments and tendons. To do this, you can work with a professional osteopath who will create a customised exercise regimen for your needs. 
  • Modify sleep position: If you suffer from pain in your lower back during pregnancy. Just making simple modifications to your sleeping position can help significantly by reducing the pressure on your joints. For example, instead of lying on your back all the time, switch to sleeping on your side with a pillow tucked between your knees. But only if it works for you. If it’s not comfortable, don’t do it. Instead, find a position that works for you. The most comfortable sleeping position for you will depend on your baby’s position and how much they move during the night. 

At Focus Osteopathy, we support Mums and soon-to-be Mums through every stage of their pre and postnatal journey. Osteopathy can be helpful for back pain and other musculoskeletal pains.

There are no quick fixes, but we can help you find the root cause of your pain and work with you to recover. We empower you to stay fit, have a healthy pregnancy, and prepare for and recover well after birth.

As well as finding the cause of your pain, we can also help you sit, sleep, and walk more comfortably.

If you have pregnancy-related knee pain, back pain, or any other joint pain, now. You can book a free consultation to talk to one of our Pregnancy and Post Natal practitioners to find out how we may be able to help you. 

How does our modern lifestyle affect posture?

Posture in medical terms, is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down.

Derived from Latin positura or posit meaning ‘position’ or ‘placed’.

In today’s world, we have to sit for lengthy periods of time; in traffic, at school desks, at a computer or lap top, using iPads or Smart Phones, in front of a TV, or phone texting (I see people doing this all the time). We also have to consider other stresses to our bodies over time, for example; carrying bags or daily home tasks. Gradually, most of us develop a habit of hunching, slouching or leaning forwards. During these lengthy activities, our bodies have to counteract gravity while fatigue intensifies from our hip area right up to our neck muscles. Upper shoulder muscles then begin to assist, causing pain and imbalances to the whole neck and shoulder region. Try telling this to a teenager!

Take a look at this picture of colleagues discussing work at the lap top, it happens every day.  No problems here?

But have a look at the man’s head – it’s placed well forward of his shoulders.  Also, have a look at the level of his chin – its well below his shoulders.  Thousands, if not millions, of people would do this during the day, every day, without even thinking about it.  In this high-tech world, no wonder people get Neck Pain.

What happens?

Our heads are supported by our necks, which is a very difficult task considering how thin it is in comparison.  Our neck muscles move, stabilise, feel stress, and have the burden of gravity by holding up our head.  Basically, when posture is compromised or traumatised in any way, our necks can feel pain or tension.  Pain is usually felt in the back of the lower neck area and around the front near the clavicles, as well as up very high just under the cranium.

In addition, consider the shoulders coming forwards, usually the right hand controls the mouse, so shoulder flexion with some internal rotation is required.  This may mean tight pectoral and rotator cuff muscles.

What about the hips?  Usually people sit bent forwards, so trunk flexion is a consideration.  Review and palpation of the hip flexor and hip adductor group is part of my general assessment.


Poor Posture + Gravity = Tightness and Pain, then the challenge is to modify your working or social environments combined with self-discipline to help support your posture.

On the bright side, there are things you can do and consider.  During the day, set a quiet alarm to alert you every hour, so you can roll the shoulders around and take stock of your own posture.  Introduce better habits like sitting ‘taller’, walking often, pushing your chin back – it’s easy & practical.

What makes things better?

  • Accurate information and assessment of the neck and shoulder areas in addition to spinal & hip observations
  • Massage Therapy targeting areas from the base of the skull, shoulder blades, down to all back and hip areas if necessary
  • Regular Awareness of your Posture is crucial, together with frequent relaxed neck & shoulder movements
  • Self-management procedures and follow-up treatments are vital to a successful outcome

Be Aware of your POSTURE – YOU are in charge.  Get help Now.

Massage Therapy Increases Movement, Restores Function and Reduces Pain.